St. Patty's ~ 1 ~

580 28 6

Phil's POV

A black Volvo runs the new red light from our left, heading straight towards our car. The driver, a man in his fifties with long gray hair and a bushy beard, slams on his breaks, deploying his airbag. He came just centimeters of t-boning Dan and I, but by some miracle hadn't touched us. Car horns blare all around us, and the only thing registering in my mind was that Dan was not singing Fifth Harmony any more, nor was he screaming. He just sat there, staring out at the man as he sped away from the scene. "Dick." I mutter, nudging the gas petal as the street buzzes back to life.

Dan didn't say anything the whole ride to the club, just sat staring out ahead. I eyed him from time to time. I even played Radio Disney when I saw One Direction was playing, but he didn't sing along. Once we got to the club, he perked up. He ran to Tyler and Joe and awkwardly hugged them. I'm surprised by how social he's been today, usually he hates going to parties and hanging with friends. Now he's practically the life of the party, and we hadn't entered the party yet!

Once we did reach the party, I lost Dan immediately. I started searching for him, but eventually just ended up at the bar with PJ and Louise, discussing VidCon, which was coming up in a few months. An hour or so into taking shots with Tyler and Connor, I realized I had to use the restroom. I didn't use it the last time we were here, so I was going to have to go on a mini adventure around this giant club. I first tried a door next to the entrance, but it was locked and suspicious sounds were emitting from it. Next I tried a dark corner, praying there would be a corridor beyond. No such luck. Only Zoe and Alfie sucking faces.

   So ultimately I was left stranded in a club without Dan, slightly intoxicated, with a full bladder. I return to the door beyond which arousing noises were emitting. Bracing myself, I open the door...

To find Dan stuffing Maltesers into his face on the floor. In his underwear. And an industrial bar in his left ear. He looks up at me with watery eyes, a few Maltesers popping out of his mouth. He drops the box in his hands and outstretches his arms to me, like a toddler wanting to be picked up. His new piercings are bleeding a little.

Oh yeah, and there's a naked guy on top of him.

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