St. Patty's Prolouge

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Phil's POV

   Daniel Howell aka Danisnotonfire aka my best friend/flatmate aka my kinda boyfriend has a bad habit. Whenever we attend a party (which isn't too frequently, might I add) he tends to... How should I put this? Okay, he gets horribly drunk. He's a flirtatious drunk, which is the one reason I decline him whenever he asks me to be his boyfriend. He's sober for half an hour and stays by my side, then the next thing I know he's all over some random person (both guys and girls, he can't bother to care).
     So lets just say that whenever a party invitation comes our way, I'm quick to hide it from Dan. But today, Saint Patrick's day, Dan got his grubby alcoholic hands all over an invitation from Hank and John Green to all YouTubers over 2.5 million subscribers. "We have to go!" He exclaims, shoving the invitation in my face.
"Dan..." I hate confrontations.
I sigh, rubbing my neck wearily. "We can't go."
"Um, why?"
"Because... We had that Shadowhunters marathon to do, right! Popcorn, blankets, and I heard Malec kisses in the next episode."
Dan hesitates, plopping on the couch with a considerate grunt.
"Phil, we should really get out and socialize. It'll be fun! Tyler texted me, Troye and Connor are flying in from Australia. Joe, Zoe, Caspar, Marcus, everyone's going. Even Louise and Darcy! Philly, we gotta go."
I really hate how Dan can go from a semi-adult that spits out memes faster than he can piss to an actual toddler who acts like he's been abused all his 2 years of life. I sit next to him, keeping my eyes on the ground. Our thighs touch a bit, which makes me feel a little better about this conversation.
"Plus, we were planning that marathon for tomorrow. Our schedule is wide open. Why don't you want to go, babe?" He pushes hair out of his eyes and - damn he's so attractive. His dark eyes search my face, looking for an explanation. Usually he can tell what's up in a second, but my face is currently screaming surprise at the fact he called me "babe"- and he was sober.
"Dan, it's just-just you can be unpredictable around alcohol. As you've noted, you tend to be a flirtatious drunk." I expected him to to yell, possibly throw something. Instead, a slow smirk winds up on his face.
      "Unpredictable, huh? Well, is this unpredictable?" He leans in and catches the skin at the nape of my neck between his teeth. He slides a hand up my shirt, then back down, resting dangerously low on my hip.
     "Oh-ah!" To put it bluntly, I'm surprised. He draws away, smirk still plastered on his face. He raises an eyebrows, demanding an answer. "Um, yes?" Dan laughs, standing up and stretching his arms above his head, his tee riding up on his torso.
"Good. Now get dressed, we're going to par-tayy." I stand up, blushing as I run-walk to my room, slipping into black skinnies and a white button up. I absently shove my hair back, sighing as I wonder how I'm stuck in this mess again. I push my arms into one of Dan's many leather black jackets, zipping up and heading out.
     Dan was sat at the island, scrolling his way through the AOT tag on Tumblr on his phone. He had also changed, now in black jeans (shocker) and one of his ironic shirts that he secretly wears unironically. "Ready?" He asks, sliding off the stool and into a pair of dark blue Vans. I grunt in reply. He pokes his bottom lip out, widening his eyes. "Awe, Philly. Don't be that way."
I huff, grabbing my keys and heading downstairs.
Outside, the air is crisp but fresh, and I'm glad I grabbed Dan's jacket. We pile into our vehicle of choice and drive. The St. Patty's party was being hosted by the American YouTubers, thus why it's a St. Patty's party in the UK, in the same club as last time.
Dan bounced in the passenger seat to the tune of "Sledgehammer" by Fifth Harmony. I take this moment to ponder how I got stuck with this fellow nerdy emo that always seems to get his way. I look over at Dan with raised eyebrows once the car has safely paused at a red light. He's fixing his fringe in the rearview mirror, singing softly under his breath. I breath out deeply, looking up at the stoplight and praying it would stay that usually irritating red for the rest of the day.
Drunk Dan equals horny Dan which equals problematic Dan which equals responsible Phil.
Responsible Phil doesn't want drunk, horny, problematic Dan running his hands all over fellow partygoers. That would equal jealous Phil, and jealous Phil around alcohol and a vulnerable Dan wasn't a good combo.
The stoplight turns green, and Dan screams.

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