"Hey Ang, wow it's been 16 years since I last saw you." Jay says. I give him a hug.
"It's so good to see you. Hey, Jessie, and Rosie, this is daddy's friend from school." two cute little girls appears from behind him. They had his eyes. Rosie looked like she was about 3 years old, and Jessie probably 6. "And Ang, this is my fiancée, Lisa." A pregnant hispanic woman comes from the distance.I shake her hand, "hey, I'm Angela. These are my daughters, Anastasia, Isabella, my eldest set of twins, then my youngest set, Valerie, and Valentina." I introduce them.
"Those can't be the twins from high school?" Jay ask, smiling. "Yup, they're turning 16, on November 13." I tell him. "Damn, that's so long. Do they know Xavier?" He ask.
"They know about the situation, that Xavier is their brother. And, that they probably have more out there too."
"Babe!" Akila screams, excitedly, looking for me. I turn back, "over here!"
She walks over, smelling fresh, she had just came from the showers. We kiss each other. "Akila, this is Jay, and Lisa. Jay, and I met in high school. And, Those are his kids. Lisa, and Jay, this is my wife, Akila." Akila shakes Jay's hand. Lisa starts hugging her, screaming with joy. "Oh my God! It's really you!" Rosie, and Jessie did the same thing.
'So cute!' I cried mentally.
"Sorry, she's a huge fan!" Jay chuckles.
"Don't worry about it." Akila says, smiling."Hey, tonight, we're having a barbeque, for her victory. You should come. And, if you see any of the guys, tell them to come too." I give them one more hug, and start making our way out.
It's only 8pm, the girls are still up, and playing music. Akila is making the food, and I'm relaxing in our hammock.
"Hey! You're here!" Anastasia, and Isabella screams. I look up to see TyKeil, and Tyshawn, and another woman.Fuck my life!
"Angela?" Tyshawn ask shocked. He walks over to me. "Just fucking kill me." I whisper to myself.
"Hey Tyshawn!" I put a fake smile on, and hug him. The woman walks over to us. "This is my wife, Eliza." He introduce. She had a small child in her hand, a little girl! And, another boy around 10 years old next to her. "That's my son, TyKeil next to the twins up there. My other son, Jabari, he's 11. And, my daughter, Kiara." He says.
I just nod. "Yeah, TyKeil is in my class. I teach english."
"So, your Mrs.Gonzalez! You married a hispanic guy! So, where's your husband?"I wink at Akila, and she walks over. "This is my wife! Been together for almost 14 years now." Akila kisses me. He looked at us shocked. "I'm hispanic, and Samoan." Akila adds.
As he's about to say something, but I hear "Aunt Angela! Aunt Akila!" Xavier, Tyreice and Unique's son greets us. Unique, Tyreice, Akila, and I are all great friends.
Xavier walks up to us, and hug us. "Where's your sisters?" I ask." Tiara, and Tiana said they were coming from college, so they'll be here in ten minutes. And, Juju is whining to dad, about a toy she wants." Tyreice, and Unique gets into the backyard. Juju, Julia their youngest daughter, 5, in his arms. "Uncle Shawn!" Juju yells, same as Xavier. Xavier gives him a high five, and goes with his sisters.
Akila, and I lay on the hammock together. "So, that's Tyshawn?"
"Yup! That's the twins' dad. Xavier's dad. And, Tyriece's brother."
"Damn! He was a pimp back then, huh?" She asks, giggling. We snuggle closer, her arm around me. "Yeah."
Other people came, like all the boys, and their kids. Tyleik is the only one that has no kids, and no girlfriend. But, he's still in his early twenties. Akila's friends came too. We just stayed in the hammock, until it was over. I don't want to be around Tyshawn so much.
As everyone was leaving, Tyshawn walks up, and hugs me.
"When you want a real fucking dick, come at me." He grabs my ass, and goes off with Eliza.

(Sequel) Breaking The Juvenile (In Process)
Romance"C'mon Ang, it could be like old times, you remember." Tyshawn breathes upon my neck. His tingling hot breath sending shivers down my spine. Now between my legs, he press against my grind. His large hands stable on my body, yet comfortable. "Maybe."...