Chapter 4

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The next day seemed to go by in blur and before I knew it, the final bell rang and I was rushing to my car. I got in and took out my phone instantly.

One rings... Two rings...

"Hello?" Mrs. Johnson's voice rang through the reciever. She seemed happier today. Maybe Derek was home.

"Mrs. Johnson? Hi, it's-"

"James! Hey! Come on over, Derek can't wait to see you!" She interupted me. I could hear the smile in her voice. I chuckled.

"Of course Mrs. J. I'll be right over." I said, smiling wide. I started my car and peeled out of the parking lot. I drove quickly to his house and then ran up the stone steps to his door.

"LUCY! I'M HO-OME! YOU GOT SOME SPLAININ' TO DO!" I shouted as I burst through his front door. I was so happy i just couldn't help but act like an idiot.

"JAMES!" I heard him yell. He ran from in the kitchen and into my arms in less than 2.5 seconds. I picked him up and twirled him in a circle as soon as he crashed into me. And just think, a few days ago i would've been a little weirded out by this.

I felt his lips on mine and I kissed him back hard. I put him down as we broke apart and his mom came into the room with a smile on her face.

"So, you did get him, huh sweetie?" She asked, looking over at Derek who was blushing madly.

"Uh.. Yeah. I guess so." as he said this, he reached into his pocket and pulled out 10 dollars. His mom held out her hand and he placed the money into it gently.

"Whoa... What's going on here?" I said, watching this exchange with a smile on my face.

"Well. My lovely son here," she started, tosseling his hair, "made a bet with me that you would never be his. I said you would eventually. So, he put ten bucks on the line... Only to be proven wrong." she finished, smiling at me and Derek. I looked at him and scoffed jokingly.

"You had no faith in me huh?" I said, mocking a hurt voice.

"Well... I lost that Sophmore year when you went out with Tracey for almost a year." he answered looking down at his feet. I bit my lip and looked at Mrs. Johnson. She took the hint and made some excuse about lemonade, then walked into the kitchen.

"Derek..." I said quietly and tilted his face up. "I know I've gone out with girls... But I never did anything with them besides a kiss here or there. And trust me, Tracey wasn't very happy with that. I never wanted to have sex with any of them. I was never physically attracted." I whispered and looked in his eyes.

"James... I never knew that..." he whispered back and stepped closer. I smiled and cupped his face gently with my hand.

"Well, now you do."



"Well, now you do." he whispered quietly and looked deeply into my eyes. He stroked my cheek with his thumb and leaned his face close to mine. My breath caught in my throat and my heart beat raced. He placed his forehead gently on mine and smiled softly. I smiled back, nervous as all hell. I tilted my head up and softly placed my lips against his. Closing my eyes, I let myself get lost in him. I loved him with every thing I had. He cradled my neck and deepened the kiss. I moaned very softly in my throat and got as close to him as I could. I felt the hesitance every so often. But he told me this was what he wanted. I believe him, but there is always the fear in the back of my mind that he's doing this out of pity, that he didn't feel this way. I'm always worried.

"Derek, dinner's ready. Are you staying James?" I heard my mom say from the kitchen. We broke apart and I felt my face heating up quickly. I heard her chuckle quietly and James laugh gently.

I swear this is what I want. {BoyXBoy}Where stories live. Discover now