Chapter 2: I've Seen That Before

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"Wake up sleepyhead" Nate said rubbing my head to wake me up. There is nothing more soothing than his voice in the morning. Its the perfect combonation of sexy and raspy. God he's so

I look out the window and noticed we weren't driving. I guess Nate must have pulled over too sleep. I looked around and saw nothing but abandoned road. I looked over to Nate and said "Are you planning to kill me?"

"Now why on earth would you think that?" Nate asked with an evil smile on his face

"Well.. were in a totally abandoned place. And theres no one in sight."

"Im not killing you. Do you want me to pinky promise?" Nate asked and stuck his pinky out. I playfully hit him and we laughed.

"I guess I better get changed..i'll jump in the back" I said. I know i've got a crush on him, but I still have respect for myself.

After I got changed, Nate changed into a muscle tee..and let me tell you..he's got some nice muscles to show off. We decided to stay on this road for a bit. It was quiet and we could have a picnic. Nate brought food and I had a blanket so we set up.

We ate some food and then layed down and watched the clouds. I was pointing out a cloud that was shaped as a heart when we heard a car door slam. Nate and I both jolted up thinking it was the police or something. It wasn't. It was a normal car. But it wasn't normal, because this was the same black bmw I saw before with the same rusted hood. Nate stood up and helped me get up. Out of the car walked 3 large men, wearing all black. I guess that was their theme. Nate walked infront of me and said "Hey guys how can I help ya?". The meanest looking man out of the 3 walked foward and said "Well first, you can give us your money." The man stated. He scanned my body which made me very uncomfortable and said "Then the girl". Nate put a protective arm back and said "I can give you the money, but not her." Clearly the man didn't like that because he decided to pull out a knife.

"Im gonna ask you nicely one more time. Give me your money and then give me the girl. I'll even add a please" The man said with a grin showing his silver teeth.

"Sorry, no can do. Well, were just gonna be on our way now." Nate said. He turned towards me and mouthed "Run to the car and lock it". Without hesitation, I turned around and ran at full speed. I could hear the guys shouting and Nate shouting back. I grabbed my phone to call 911 when strong arms picked me up out of the car and slammed me down onto the ground. It was the "main" guy, and I knew his intentions. I started kicking and punching. I got a lucky shot in his nuts and he fell to the side. I grabbed the knife from his hand and ran over to Nate who was getting beaten by the other 2 men. I did what my gut told me to do and stabbed one in the side. The man fell to the ground screaming in pain. I zoned out of it when he screamed..did I really just stab someone? Am I a murderer? Before I had time to ask myself more questions, I was being shook rapidly. When I focussed back into reaility, it was Nate shaking me. I snapped back and he knew I did.

"Mad, we have to go!!" Nate said scared

"What? Oh um yeah okay. Yeah let's go." I said we ran to the car where the main guy I kicked in the nuts earlier stopped us. I forgot about him..

"Where the hell do you think you guys are going?" The man asked. He ran up to Nate and punched him in the stomach. Then he looked at me, cracked his nuckles and neck. Then he said, "And for you young lady..I need to tell you something". He charged at me with full force and knocked me down. He slapped me a few times. Then he pinned me down and said "I can't let you ge away with no scratches now can I?" .

I responded with " Wha-" until I felt an excruciating sharp pain in my left thigh. After that, the man took off. I looked down to see blood flowing out of my leg and the knife pierced through my thigh. I looked up to see Nate running towards me.

"Oh Madelyn. Oh god! Try to stand up." Nate said to me, so I did as I was told, and fell right back down.

"I can't stand, it hurts too much." I replied back

"Hold on, let me use my belt." Nate said

"Yeah, hurry. There's a lot of blood." I replied back, already bracing myself for the pain to come. Nate grabbed his belt and put it above the stab wound and tightened it as much as it would go.

"Hold my hand and close your eyes," Nate said. Once again I followed as instructed. Nate pulled the knife out and I screamed. Then Nate lifted me up and carried me out to his car.



" Thank you." I said. Even though the timing was horrible, we both leaned in for a kiss. All my pain went away and I was living in the moment as his soft lips pressed against mine. He pulled back and cupped my face with his hands, looked me in the eyes and said

" I love you, and I will do anything for you. Madelyn, I would die for you as long as I know you would be safe." And in that moment, I knew that Nate Everett, would be the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

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