Chapter 4: The Hospital..Or Not

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On the way to the hospital my heart was racing 1000 miles a minute...or at least that's how it felt. Nate kept glancing over to see how I was. There was no point in doing that, he knew I wasnt okay with this. I mean, what will we tell the doctors? Wait..Oh no! The doctor will call one of my parents! If they find out, i'll never be out of the house.
"Nate stop the car"

"What? Why? Whats going on?" He asked quickly

"If we go to the hospital, my parents will find out! I can't let them find out Nate!" I said with a worried expression

"Mad we are not arguing about this now! You were stabbed! You need medical attention!" He stated, getting annoyed with me. We pulled up at the hospital, and Nate looked at me with a pleading face.

"Im sorry but no,I won't go.There has to be another way!"I stated. Im not going into that hospital under any circumstances! I would rather get stabbed again then go into that hospital!

"What else is there to do Madelyn!?" Nate asked clearly getting annoyed with me

"I don't know, but--" I trailed off. Thats it!! One of my friends named Scarlett was a nurse in training. She was probably a 20 minute drive from here!

"What Mad? Hello!" Nate said waving a hand infront of my face.

"We can go to Scarlett! Shes a nurse..sort fo. Shes our best option!" I excaimed

"Shes not our best option! The hosital is our best option!"

"But Nate, please" I begged. Thats the only way i'll get help. "There are benifits to going to her!"

"Such as?" Nate asked

"Well first off, we won't have to pay. Secondly, we can tell her the truth. And lastly, my parents won't find out!" I said

"Fine you have a point-"

"A few points" I stated interrupting him

"Okay but what about the disadvantages?" He mentioned. Why does he have to argue with me?

" I don't care about them! And I don't want to hear them" I said looking at Nate, "but something tells me your going to say them either way.."

Nate smiled and nodded his head. I rolled my eyes and gave him the "Im waiting" look. "Well A) shes not even a professional B) shes 20 minutes away, give or take" he said

"Well, you'd better start driving if you wanna before I bleed out" I jokingly and gave a teasing smile. He looked at me with a serious face. Jeez, whats his problem? Im the one who got stabbed!
Nate shook his head and unwilling shifted the car into drive, and we began our journey to Scarletts place. Lucky her, when she turned 17 her parents bought her an apartment (there loaded). So we won't have to worry about any adults freaking out. I glanced over at grumpy pants. He had the most annoyed and aggravated face i'd ever seen on anyone. And that includes my parents.

"Whats wrong with you hot-head" I questioned, giggling

"Nothing" he lied

"Yeah okay sure" I replied. I know him too well, I can always see right through his lies

"Ugh its just that im worried about you! This is really serious and your making jokes!" he said sincerely

"What? I'm trying to lighten up the mood!" I said

"Yeah well it's not helping. This is important and I don't need you joking about it!" Nate stated angrily

"Why are you getting so worked up over this!? I'm the one who is bleeding out!" I said back forcefully

"Because I love you Madelyn!! And I don't want to lose you to some jackass stabbing you! I want you in my life!" Nate said

"I love you too Nate but-"

"No Madelyn your not understanding me..I love you.." Nate said cutting me off

" don't mean?" I questioned. Could this really be happening? Is the boy I've had a crush on since we've met  actually admitting he loves me? I mean we say "I love you" all the time, but it's meant in a best friend way..not crush way..

"Yeah I mean love you. I always knew that I felt something more towards you, but when we just..I don't know?" He said

"It just what?" I asked

"It just made all the feelings stronger, that much more real.." He said shyly

"Why haven't you said anything?" I asked shocked

"Because I didn't know if you felt the same..actually I still don't" Nate said looking at me with a questioning look

"Nate, I-"

"No I get it, you don't need to explain. It's okay that you don't like me, hones-" he said cutting me off

"Nate I do like you! I have since we met and the feelings have been growing since" I said cutting him off. Nate looked so happy! I wouldn't trade that face for anything in the world. I want Nate to be mine. I want to show him off and be proud about it.

" can't believe this" Nate exclaimed

"You and me both" I said while gleaming of joy. This has probably been the best moment of my life. There was complete silence, but I didn't mind it.

I watched out the window looking at the sky. It was late afternoon and the sun was getting ready to set. It was so beautiful! Oh that reminds me, I need to call my parents. I grabbed my phone and pressed "call".
"Parents?" Nate asked. I nodded.
My mom picked up the phone.
"Hi sweetie, how's your trip?" My mom asked
"Oh. It's good" I said
"That's great honey! What are you up too?"
"Uh, Nate is taking me cream" I said
"Okay, did you eat lunch and dinner?" My mom asked. Jesus what is this? An interrogation?
"Mom" I said plainly
"Sorry. Well I'll let you go! Have a goodnight Sweet pea! Be safe and tell Nate I said hi!"
"Okay mom. Love you"
"Love you too! Bye!"
"Bye." I said while hanging up the phone. I looked over to Nate who was focused on driving..god he's gorgeous..
"Your staring at me. I can feel your eyes on me" he said with a cocky tone. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I went back to looking out the window. I noticed the surroundings. We were almost there. I checked my leg. It was bleeding but not too bad. I grabbed my bag and looked for a used shirt. Once I found one I balled it up and put it on the wound with pressure.
"You okay?" Nate asked
"Mhm" I replied
"Hang on we're almost there" he said comforting me. His voice is so soothing. I could listen to him for hours upon hours and never get sick of it.

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