Chapter 3: I Don't Want to

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  "Do we have to go to the hospital?" I asked Nate. I know I got stabbed, but it wasn't too deep.. Okay that's a lie, it was pretty deep. I just don't want to explain to the doctors what happened. I know how this works, they would have to go to the authorities and I would have no choice but to press charges. And they will call my parents! I will never be let out of the house again!

"Are you seriously asking me that? YES, we have to go to the hospital. Your very injured, you can't even walk!" Nate said. Sometimes he acts like an overprotective parent.

"But Nate!" I whined "I don't want to explain everything! Do you know how hard it's going to be to explain everything that happened last night" I said my voice cracking. I felt the tears swelling in my eyes. I tried my hardest to not let Nate see me crying. I don't want to be taken as a little girl who cries over every little thing, but sometimes you just gotta break down. And, that is what I did. Nate pulled over the car, got out and walked over to my side. He opened the door and held me like it was the last time we were to ever hug. Nate rocked me back and forth and whispered sweet nothings into my ear to make me feel better. I acted like it helped, but it didn't. I know it's bad to lie to him, but it was more lying to myself. I couldn't come to full terms of what happened. I'm still in shock.

" Mad, listen. We don't have to tell them the whole story, Hell! We can make up one." Nate exclaimed

"But, what about the details? They will have a lot of questions!" I said

"We'll just wing it! Madelyn, I promise you," he grabbed my hands and looked me in my eyes. " We will be okay and I will always protect you and always make sure you're okay." Nate said. He sounded so truthful, but I couldn't help but feel he was lying to me.

" O-okay. Let's go to the hospital" I said in a low voice. I still didn't want to go, but I knew this was a battle I wouldn't win.

Writers Note: Hey! Sorry this was a short chapter. I think im gonna start posting more. Especially since school is basically over. I might upload 2 or 3 chapters ever week or so. But no promises..and thanks for 259 reads on my book "Dear Daughter"! Well thats it!

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