Living on the surface part 2

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[Frisk POV]

As soon as we reached Snowdin we entered the inn, he was practically carrying me at this point, we found the innkeeper and made our way straight to her "can we have a room," Asriel asked in a hurry, "yes but we only have one room available and that is the luxury room, it has a king size bed, you will be given food in the morning and if you need anything there is a bell beside the door," she said kind of carefully, "that will do," Asriel said in a hurry, he was not in the mood for pointless talking, "That will be 400 gold," said the innkeeper, I pulled out the money and put it on the counter, "Thank you, just go up the stairs, walk to the end of the hallway and take the door on the right," said the innkeeper as she put the money underneath the counter. Asriel thanked her and began to walk, we got to the stairs but my knees were giving out, I was breathing hard, I had a dry mouth and I was boiling. Asriel moved in front of me and let me fall on his back "how are you feeling?" he asked in a worried voice, "Horrible," I said. Asriel placed his hands under my legs and carried me up the stairs, "you are stronger than you look, you don't even look like you're struggling, as if I'm as light as a feather," I said as I felt myself being lifted, "you are really light Frisk, the jumper makes you look bigger than you actually are," he said as he effortlessly carried me, he did not put me down until he got in the room. He placed me down on the bed and covered me in the blankets, he went and pulled on the string next to the door and shortly after the inn-keeper knocked, he asked her for a glass of water and she left and closed the door behind her, he sat down at the end of the bed and looked at me with a really worried expression "if I can survive all the fights I've been through I can survive this," I said reassuringly. A few minutes passed in silence, nothing was said until a knock came from the door, he got up and practically ran for the door, when he reached it he opened it and grabbed the glass, he said thank you to the inn-keeper before closing the door and heading straight for me. When he reached me he got me to sit up "Drink some before you sleep," he said with a relatively calm voice but his face portrayed him, he was still panicking over my condition. I drank as much as I could but it was only a few sips, I gave the glass back to him and he put it on the coffee table at the other end of the room, he sat back down on the bed and the silence from before continued. "Hay Asriel could you... could you lay next to me? I know this is an odd request but... please?" he did not say anything, he just got up and jumped in on the other side of me. I turned around and cuddled him, I held him tightly not wanting to let go, as if afraid that if I let him go he would disappear, Asriel was struggling to breathe because of the death grip, but he said "hay Frisk I'm not going anywhere ok, I will stay by your side... forever". My grip loosened a little and I put my head up against his chest, he was soft like a big teddy bear and as warm as a blanket, I felt better with him close I felt safe, he had a calming aura to him one that would make even the most scared person relax, I was getting tired and my eyelids were heavy, I looked up at Asriel and he was already asleep so I followed.

While waiting for Frisk everyone was talking about what they would do and how they would introduce themselves "IT SHOULD BE ME THE GREAT PAPYRUS WHO MAKES CONTACT WITH THE HUMANS," "I don't think that would be a good idea Pap," "WHY NOT?" "Because your too cool and would make them jealous," "I SEE THAT WOULD BE A PROBLEM". The conversation between Papyrus and Sans went on for a while and didn't stop until Torial spoke up "Frisk has been gone for a while hasn't she," it was meet with a silent response. Sans turned around and started walking away from the group "I'll find her the rest of you stay at the castle, and before any of you say anything don't worry about it, I know a shortcut". At this point it was Asgor's turn to intervene "Perhaps we should do as he says, it is getting darks and we will need our rest for tomorrow," "Torial looked at him with an annoyed expression "Would it not be easier if we ALL went looking for her," Asgor flinched a little "I appointed Sans to be the judge because of his strength and his shortcuts, just believe in him and after he returns we will go to sleep and decide what to do in the morning", Everyone agreed and decided to head into the castle.

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