Chapter 3.

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Previously In "Endless"

"Cool, Mine is Bulls In A Bronx"

"I LOVE THAT SONG !" I yelp.

"Hah, Of course you do."

I could get used to him.


Rose's POV.

"I probably shouldn't have skipped dinner. I'm starving."

"Me either."

"Do you wanna go back and eat ?"


We walk into the dining room and take a seat next to each other. I really think I can trust him but then I think I can't. I mean he doesn't seem that bad , He's nice and everything but I just don't know. After everything. Ugh, I can't even think about that now.

"Rose ?" I hear something or someone whisper in my ear, snapping me out of my deep thoughts. It was harry.

"Yes ! What ? Huh ?" I scrambled trying not to sound so stupid

"You uhm Okay there ?" He asked me with concern in his eyes.

"Y-yea." And there we go with the damn stuttering again.

"You sure ?"



My mother came back with our plates and set them infront of the both of us. I thanked her quietly, quiet enough for her not to hear me. Harry gave me a worried smile and looked away. I returned the gesture but he didn't seem to notice. When I saw that he didn't notice, I felt a little embarressed by it but I had to shake it off if I was going to trust him. Could I trust him ? . Could he trust me ?. I would ask him but I just met him. I JUST MET HIM ! . I don't think that I can trust him this early ! I mean yeah he seem like a nice and trust worthy guy but I just met him . I don't think I can trust him. I can't. I won't.


"Well that was a nice dinner wasn't it ?." My mother blurts.

"Yes, it was ! Thankyou very much for having us Karly." Mrs. Johnson says as he wears the biggest grin on her face.

"Oh no problem ! Anytime ! Especially when you guys move in we will have many more dinners like this !"

What did she just say ?

"What ?" my mouth dropped.

"Oh, Was I supposed to mention that ?"

"Uhm... we should be heading to our hotel now, goodbye Karly." Said mrs. Johnson.

"Mother, tell me what you just said isn't true." I am on the verge of tears. Not sad tears, angry tears. How could she not tell me this sooner ! She doesn't know when to stop doesn't she ! She just loves to torture me doesn't she ! It's like she's got this kind of evil scheme to ruin my life from this point on.

"I said that the Johnsons' are going to move in with us." She isn't serious about this.

"Yeah, I heard you. Why didn't you tell me this before ! I could've gotten to know them before they move in to OUR house.!" I am so furious ! I can't stand to look at my mother right now. She makes me wanna go into deep depression all over again. And I have been clean for about 3 years. I can't go back to cutting anymore. I won't. 

"Rose it isn't your business anyways, You didn't have any say in this and you never will. End of discussion." 

"Actually I do have some say in this because I live here to mother ! You can't just offer people our home when I don't have any say in it ! I can't believe you would go this low . I'm done with you." After that I had ran to my bedroom and locked my door. I ran to my bathroom and pulled out my blades. Ican't stand being clean any longer, I've been taking her bullshit for much too long and now it's time to let all of my anger out on my wrists. I slide the blade harshly down my wrists while hot tears fall heavily from my eyes. When I finish, I make my way out of the bathroom and into my closet. I grab my sweater and crawl out my window. I walk down the dirt road until I hit the end of the cliff. I'm going to do it. I'm going to jump.

Omg guys do you think she'll jump ?! 

Comment and vote please ! Ilysm <33

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