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Nichole: *looks in ask or dare box* c'mon we don't have that much dares except this paper from MCgirl123 let me do this

Flowey: thank goodness you deleted that I really hate that you made this book

Nichole: Flowey also there are 2 asks from MCgirl123 

Undyne: oh c'mon 

MCgirl123:  no foul language in front of Frisk! Their only 10! How insentitive of you

harrythefan: make that 3 I challenge Undyne to duel katanas vs spears I get katanas you get spears NYAAAAAAAAAH

Undyne: you're one *spear appears in front of her*

harrythefan: *gets katana* this is gonna be easy

Undyne: yea right *hits him with spear*

harrythefan: *hits her with katana*


Undyne and harrythefan: *knocked out* 

Nichole: So that's a tie well next one

Flowey: I don't fucking give a crap

Toriel: what did you just say Asriel don't use that profanity if you do I'll do something worst than just ground me

Flowey: what are you gonna do old lady take my stems out weed me out of this pot 

Nichole: give the poor boy soul *eats chocolate

Flowey: I don't fu-

Toriel: *covers frisk's ears* don't use that profanity or else

Frisk: yea don't use that fu- I mean don't use it 

Toriel: that's right

Chara: don't you see she was about to curse 

Toriel: no she wasn't

Chara: Nichole can I kill Toriel

Nichole: no don't kill goat mother also Toriel cover Frisk's ears

Toriel: *covers Frisk's ears*

Nichole: there is no way in fucking hell you'll kill goat mother or you'll get dunked on

Sans: that's my thing

Undyne: *wakes up* what happened!!!!!

Nichole: it was a tie

Chara: wow I don't really care I really hope that one died though

Nichole: I really regret going genocide I should've listened to my bestie

Frisk: yea should've listened

Nichole: ok next one 

MCgirl123: Careful Flowey, Tori might get the soap next time. plus *gives Frisk chocolate*

Frisk: *eats it quickly before Chara could see*

Toriel: now that you say that I might as well do that

Flowey: noooo Frisk can I borrow your soul for a second please I won't be mean to you for a week

Frisk: nope

Flowey: a month

Frisk: *shakes head*

Flowey: a year

Frisk: no

Flowey: till you die

Frisk: ok *gives soul to Flowey making him Asriel*

Asriel: help meh please she's gonna give me soap moms gonna give me soap *runs*

Toriel: My child you didn't have to do that

Frisk: he was gonna be nice to me forever plus if he starts being mean even though I'm a pacifist I'll start weeding *turns to frisk the frisky* wow nevermind

Asriel: *comes back* mom isn't chasing me? *gives soul back*

Flowey: mom wasn't chasing me?

Frisk: awwww I missed being a flower or whatever I was

Nichole: yea bye peeps 

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