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Solea: *cries* it's.........over

Nichole: what is?

Solea: this book *cries*

Nichole: no it isn't you know that right

Solea:.......sure ok maybe you're lying *cries*

Nichole: *looks in ask or dare box* 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢Ok... it's almost over! I dare Sans to give me a hug. And now I will cry. *cries for 20 minutes* and I want another hug from Sater. And I want a cookie. Nom. and this is from *looks at Solea* LovelyStarButterfly

Solea: sorry I was busy *cries* crying

Nichole: *rolls her eyes* ok

Sater: fine with me

Sans: ok

Solea: *cries then hugs Sans and Sater tightly* I'll miss you guys but mostly Sater

Nichole: she thinks I'm lying about this book ending wow

Frisk: I mean it did sound like it

Chara: yea

Solea: can Friskriel kiss please

Nichole: I thought you're OTP was Charisk

Solea: no

Nichole: I wouldn't finish a book this early Solea

Solea: you liar *goes in a corner and cries for 20 minutes*

Nichole: poor girl

Nichole: *looks in ask or dare box* What! Okay everyone hugs! Right now! and this is from MCgirl123

Solea: why must it end like this

Nichole: hey I don't want to end it well until......I really not into it any- wait I'm never getting out this trash

Everyone: ..........

Nichole: hehehehe

Frisk: let's hug 

Nichole: yea 

Everyone: *hugs eachother* 

Nichole: hugs........everywhere who wants more hugs

Toriel: my child it's ok

Nichole: I want some hugs I wanna hug 

Everyone except Nichole: *backs away from Nichole*

Nichole: hugs hugs everywhere hugs are fabulous so fabulous 

Solea: I don't want a hug anymore but I do feel better

Nichole: bye peeps also bestie it's not ending ok and it will be over until I die and you see a 14 year old like me won't end it 

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