my fave AU

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Nichole: *on phone*

Solea: Nichole......Nichole.......Nichole?

Nichole: yea yea whatever 

Solea: *takes phone then gives Toriel* 

Nichole: *cries* I thought we were best friends Solea 

Solea: *gives her ask or dare box* you ain't geting it until you do all of it 

Nichole: *looks in ask or dare box* I totally agree with Frisk!

BTW, what is Papyrus' favorite person who has asked or dared them so far?Also Nichole's favorite Alternate Universe?Lastly what is Sans' favorite joke? and this is from FoxilaGlowFlynn thank you ok so my favorite Alternate Universe ok maybe Underfell.....nah......probably Outertale also that's tied with Altertale

Solea: Altertale....what's that

Nichole: what? ok I'll explain I don't know all of it ok so let me explain Sans is Toriel but taller and Toriel's Sans but shorter and Papyrus is Asgore Asgore is Papryus also Asriel is Gaster but an adult and forgotten and Gaster is Asriel but is a kid and a black a flower sorry he might be listening also isn't this Alternate Universe awesome OMG it's so awesome and cute and I don't know what the rest are

Everyone: ....................

Nichole: I said I didn't know what all it was but hey 

Sans: how did you know my father?


Nichole: oh he's the man who speaks in hands 

Sans: wait......I my bro-

Nichole: oh hell no you were brothers in that Universe 

Sans: *Sighs* 

Nichole: Also Asgore and Toriel are brother and sister in that Universe

Asgore: .............

Solea: Nichole tell them who Gaster is

Nichole: I should've went wiht fucking Outertale instead wait I can- wait only frisk can do that also Flowey and.........Sans?

Toriel: watch that profanity also that reminds me where is Asriel?!

Asriel: mom I'm here

Toriel: good because you are still grounded

Asriel: but mom it wasn't me it was Flowey

Toriel: you're still grounded

Nichole: what a motherly character 

Toriel: oh thank you my child

Nichole: can I have pie

Toriel: sure *gives her snail pie*

Nichole: I changed my mind about pie

Sans: how did you know my dad 

Nichole: what I saw it on the internet 

Nichole: ok Papyrus who's your favorite person that dared you

Frisk: who's Gaster

Nichole: *shushes them* shut up little kid 

Frisk: *cries*

Nichole: Oh no I'm sorry Frisk I didn't mean to be so mean to you Frisk now everyones gonna hate me because I made you little cinnamon roll cry *hugs Frisk* 

Chara: what a crybaby


Nichole: so who is it?

Papyrus: OK IT IS FoxilaGlowFlynn

Nichole: that's the same person that gave you that ask 


Nichole: ok what's your favorite joke Sans

Papyrus: *gets annoyed* WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS

Sans: what Tu-Toriel

Toriel: *laughs* that's one of mine Sans guess I teach good Tu-Toriel's

Asriel: help me they're grossing me out with......puns


Nichole: ok *looks in ask or dare box and reads paper quietly* 

MCgirl123: Chara! *charges towards Chara*

Chara: mom there's a stranger over here trying to kill me help me *cries*

Nichole: you're already dead

MCgirl123: *fazes through*

Chara: I'm a ghost can't attack me with a sycth and you can't faze through

MCgirl123: never hurt Frisk

Chara: *puts up the finger* fuck you

Toriel: *covers Frisk's eyes* Chara that's enough

Chara: make me mom 

Nichole: ok-

Solea: Lol :3 I dare Frisk and Asriel to go on a little date (no biggie) and I want Mettaton to give me a makeover I wanna be fab like u. That is all.

Chara: *glares at Solea* I hope you die

Nichole: don't say that about my bestie so what do I call your best friend a weed, a gigantic weed

Asriel: I'm over here

Nichole: no I'm calling Flowey that not you

Asriel: ok?

Chara: I'm not friends with a shitty weed

Asriel: ok I'm lea-

Nichole: no you're not Frisk and Asriel go *pushes them to the door*

Solea: who's gonna watch them?

Nichole: your makeover?

Solea: oh yeah

Mettaton: did someone call Mettaton the best robot for makeovers

Nichole: ok try to give my bestie a makeover

Mettaton: ok darling I'll do that

After makeover

Solea: *looks at what she's wearing* A dress? it and I feel fabulous

Nichole: yea also bye peeps

Solea: hey you can't just end it here

Nichole: it's my book so bye

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