Chapter 2 Bill Carson

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Bill's pov

I sigh as I look at my outfit. I'm in a suit that truly suits me. "That square sure knows my style. But I must wear something more casual so I don't drum up attention from the Pines." I say with the snap of my fingers. I wear black jeans and yellow high tops. With a white button up long sleeve shirt tucked in, and black bow tie."Not my style but it will have to do." I watch as those idiot humans drive off in their cars.
Then take the chance to zap myself to the Mystery Shack, well to the woods surrounding the Shack. I sit against a tree waiting for them to come back. As I try to develop a lovely idea of how to present myself to the Pines.
"I could pop in the Shack shouting Pinetree! No Cipher too much attention and they will know who you are right away. But I like dramatic entrances!" I shout as I realize something. "Your talking to yourself Cipher......again..." I groan and shit my eyes thinking as a genius idea pops into my head. "I got it!!" I yell I unwillingly mess up my look. I mess up my hair and untuck one side of my shirt. Then go down and rip my pants on the knee. Then for dramatic effect I muddy up my shirt a bit along with my shoes and pants.
I zap a mirror in front of me jumping back as I see my appearance. "I look like something the crawled out of a cave, that was dead." I say as I zap the mirror away as I hear the cars. "Now to wait."

Your pov
It's dinner time at the shack and I'm all done setting my stuff up in Mabel and Dipper's room.
"Come on (n/n)!" Mabel shouts calling me by my nick name.
"Right behind you!" I holler sliding down the stairs railing to fall on top of Dipper. Who fall into Mabel, who knocked into Waddles. Who trip Stan into Ford, sending them to the ground along with us.
"Sorry!" I shout getting up off of Dipper helping him and Mabel up.
"It's no problem (n/n)." Mabel says as we go into the kitchen to eat.
"Yeah, it's fine I was planing to make Ford fall tonight anyways." Stan says as he laughs. "You just did my job for me, thanks kid." Stand says laugh still.
"Oh how funny Stanley." Ford says serving dinner. I look to find a sandwich and Doritos.
"Mmmmmm! Doritos my favorite!" I say happily as we all start eating.
"So y/n what do you say to some monster hunting with Mabel and I tomorrow?" Dipper ask me, as I nod my head eagerly.
"I would love to," I say.
"But after you all work your shifts. The Mystery Shack always gets busy during the summer. Because of those dumb idiot tourists." Stan says gobbling up his food.
"Do I get paid," I ask.
"Yes, with free food from us, a bed, and a free vacation." Stan says as I roll my eyes. Then lean over to Dipper, whispering in his ear. "Is he always like this?"
"Unfortunately yes," Dipper whispers back as I sit up straight. I start to dig into my food once again only to be stopped by pounding in the door.
"I got it!" I call running to the door. Welcome to the Mystery Shack, the shack with the most worthless things in the entire universe." I say with closed eyes bending down slightly.
I look up to see a guy probably only a year or two older than me. His appearance isn't the cleanest lets just say that.
"Help me, I'm being chased by some sort of giant spider!" The guy shouts pointing at the woods. I look behind him to see nothing behind him. Dipper runs up behind me with Mabel.
"Did you say giant spider?" Dipper asks super excited.
"Yeah, but I may have lost it back there." The guy says panting. Dipper frowns, his excitement drawing from his face. "Hey but it's probably still out there." The guy says as Dipper's eyes light up.
"Would you like to come in and clean up?" I ask as the guy nods. "Stan and Ford we have a guest," I exclaim. The guy walks inside and I close the door.
"Who is it and do they have money?" Stand yells as I roll my eyes along with Dipper.
"What your name blondie? And do you got any dough?" Mabel ask as I finally notice his bright yellow blonde hair.
"Carson, Bill Carson," the guys says quite gentlemen like. "And yes I got money, but why would You need to know that?" He ask really confused.
"Because Stan likes to get something for helping someone. And he always loves his money." Dipper says as Bill laughs lightly.
"Well I will take you up to the bathroom, so you can clean up." I say walking up stairs with Bill following.
"I'll get him some clothes!" Mabel proclaims as she runs upstairs past us.
"Sorry if I interrupted your guy's dinner I hat didn't know where to go, that spider was scary." Bill says as he brushes his bright yellow bangs out from his eyes.
"Oh, it's fine. We were just having a sandwich and Doritos." I say as Bill stops in his tracks.
"Did you say Doritos?" He ask surprised and schooled.
"Yeah, why?" I ask walking to the bathroom with Bill.
"Doritos are like my favorite food in the world!" Bill says happily as we get to the bathroom.
"Well maybe you can get some later. Now here's the bathroom, so I will be seeing you later." I say as I feel an hand grab my shoulder, I look back to see Bill.
"I never caught your name." He says with a small smile. My heart slightly melt, seeing his smile.
"Y-y/n l/n," I say with a small stutter.
"Thank you Y-y/n." Bill says joking with me then going off into the bathroom. I walk down stairs as Mabel sets her stuff in front of the bathroom door. Then joins the rest of us for dinner.
"After he is done I'm kicking him out of the shack." Stan says finishing off his food.
"Grunkle Stan we have to be nice to our guest. Plus we don't know if he has a home to go home to." Mabel says eating a Dorito.
"Yeah Mabel is right," I say.
"Ford," Stan ask.
"You know Stan," Ford says.
"Dipping sauce?" I ask looking at him. He finishes his sandwich, then sighs.
"I prefer to live today so I'm with Mabel and y/n." Dipper says as Mabel hugs him.
"I'm to go tell him he can stay the night." I say as I finish my plate and run upstairs. I look to see the clothes gone from in front of the bath room door. I assume he is dressed, since the bathroom door if a crack open. "Bill Stan said you can stay the night till we discuss things in the-" I say as I walk into the bathroom. I stop mid sentence seeing Bill shirtless. I blush bright ready as Bill looks up after drying off his hair. "S-sorry!" I shout as I close the door, and lean against it. 'Real smooth Y/n! You need to make sure you get an answer before waking into the bathroom if someone is in there. Your stupid!'
I sigh and stand up. As I get up the door opens, revealing Bill. "I'm so sorry for walking in on you. I didn't here the water so I thought it was okay, and the door was cracked open...I-i.....sorry." I say trailing on and on, blush crawling over my face.
"It's okay y/n, you just saw me shirtless. It's not like you walked in on me when I had just a towel on." Bill says with slight grin.
"Y-yeah...well better go and show you where your staying for the night." I say as I recover from my blush. I lead him to the attic where Mabel, Dipper, and I are staying. "Your going to sleep on the bed, and I'll be on the floor." I say as Bill nods. "But I'm going to get ready for bed, so..." I say walking out but stop. "I got these for you." I say as I toss his a bag of Doritos. He smiles and opens it up eating them like there's no tomorrow.
"Thanks," he says eating.
"Your welcome," I say walking out to get ready for bed.


Me: Hi!
Mabel: Hi!!!!!! *waves enthusiastically*
Me: Well reader I'm sorry k haven't updated this book in a long time. I was busy with school and finishing other books.
Mabel: Yeah, I offered to write in her place.
Me: But I want my story to stay in my style, not all kittens and rainbows. No offense Mabel.
Mabel: None taken.
Me: Now I must say good bye.
Mabel: Bye!

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