Chapter 18

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Bill's pov

I slowly fly over to an crack in the square. I squeeze through the crack and find myself in a hallway.
I go down the hall and look both ways when I reach the next hall. Then walk to the right where I see an odd purple glow emanating from, a door. I slowly reach the door and begin to open the door. Only to feel something wrap around my waist and pull me down the hall. "Ahh!" I scream as I'm dragged against the floor. I find myself in a throne room when whatever pulled me here let's go of me. I get up and look at the throne to see Yayha, in his human form.

"Well, well if it isn't Bill Cipher." Yahya says, as I glare at him.
"Yayha Cryptic, I believe you have something of mine that you should give back." I say as he chuckles.
"I have no idea what you are talking about." Yahya says, "and the name is Cole Cryptic." I frown and continue to glare at him.
"You know what I am talking about greenie!" I shout as he rolls his eyes and leans his head on his hand.
"If you mean y/n you're a little too late, to save her." He says as I look at him confused then understand what he means.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!!!!" I yell at him as I start form a fire ball.
"Nothing, I just made her a demon that's all." He says fixing the crown in his head.
"WHAT?!?!" I explain as my jaw dropped. "THAT TRANSFORMATION CAN KILL HER!!!!!" I scream at him, as I toss the fire ball at him. He catches it with ease and tosses it straight back at me. Sending me flying back, when it hit me.
"No it won't. She is different, she is strong." Cole says as I sigh, knowing he is right. 'Well that is one less thing I have to worry about but...'
"What happens if the spell didn't work and you said it wrong or something?" I ask as a flash of worry crosses his only to have him look more confident.
"Stop trying to worry me Cipher. I know what I am doing." He says smiling at a loud scream is heard.
"Y/N!" I shout as I fly down the hall I heard her scream.
I reach for the door knob to the room she is in only to be jerked back by a hand gripping my ankle. I look back to see Cole holding my ankle. He snaps his fingers as I find myself in an arena. I hear the slicing of air at I duck seeing a sword swing right above my head. Look right behind me to find Cole in fitted black armor with a green cape on. His sword resting on his shoulder.
"Better get ready Cipher. If you want to at least leave in one piece." Cole says in a taunting manner. I glare at him, while snapping my fingers. I stand there in fitted gold armor, of course, with a black cape. I place my sword in my hands standing in a fighting stance. Cole chuckles and points his sword at my heart. "Winner gets Gravity fall and y/n?" He ask me as he puts his sword to his side.
"It's a deal if you stay in your dimension for good as well." I say as he extends his hand.
"Fine," he says as we shake hands as blue and green flame engulfs our hands. We step back and get into a fighting stance. Then I hear a count down start from somewhere. I try to focus about the fight starting in a few seconds, but I can't. All I can think about y/n and what is happening to her right now. I feel myself be knocked off my feet and grown as I land on the cement.

"Ow..." I groan as I feel another blow hit me snapping my leg. I scream in pain.
"Don't get distracted Cipher." Cole says as he grins wickedly. "Or you will be knocked down." He says slicing through my armor, to my chest leaving a gash mark. I hiss as blood drips from the cut. I get up and try not to put pressure on my hurt leg. I swing my sword hitting Cole in the arm then once in the leg.

~No one's pov~

As Bill fought bravely for y/n's life, a powerful demon came upon the floating square castle.
"Somebody go get King Yahya!!" A little demon shouted as a demon ran to tell of the news. The demon floated through the halls her purple aurora growing around her.
"Stop right there!" A demon guard shouts at her as she looks at it. The demon stands it's ground only to be pushed aside and knocked out. She keeps going without stop. She ends up near the arena the Cole and Bill are dueling in.
"Hey! If you want to watch the show go up in the stands!" A small pink demon tells. She glares at it and whacks it sending it flying. She slowly goes out into the arena. Seeing Bill laying on the ground, blood surrounding him.

Bill's pov

"Looks like you've gotten soft Bill. Without all your powers you can't heal, your not immortal." Cole says hovering over me. Black stops fill my vision. "Here I'll give you a gift." Cole says pressing the tip of his sword on my chest right above my heart. "My mercy," he says starting to sink the sword into my skin. I hiss in pain.
I shut my eyes,"I'm sorry y/n..," I say quietly. I except the sharp pain to start only to feel the metal blade move and hear it clatter to the ground besides me. I open my eyes and see Cole being strangled in midair. To the side of me is.....

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