surface pt 2

40 3 4

Thug#1:huh...underworld!?does that mean....!*scared*

Thug#2-ur..a demon! that what u beings call us, weird

Karma-but nah i come in peace dont worry i wont kill you*disables the wall of fire*

Thug#2-GAH!shut up!*takes out the knife*

Thug#2-Begone demon!!

Karma-what the!

* karma grabs the thugs arm and snaps it*

Thug#2-*screams loudly*You bastard!!!! sorry. didnt knew you beings were that weak*gets dissapointed*

*thug#1 sneaks behind karma and shoots him in the shoulder*

Thug#1-take that u bastard!*smirks*

Damn! I let my guard down..crap my shoulder hurts like crap! thats what that object does..interesting*says in pain*

Thug#1-I aint letting you catch your breath die!!*takes thug#2 knife*

*thug#1 tries to barrage karma with slashes but karma takes a step back everytime he slashes to dodge the knife*

Thug#1-die die die die!!!

Karma-do u really think im gonna let you hit me that easy i aint a....*trips over a rock*

Karma-*gasp* crap!.

Thug#1-heh i got u now!!!

Karma narrates
If that stupid rock wasn't there, i would have had time to grab his arm right now instead, i fell to the ground,the thug raises the knife that's in his hand and starts to aim it right at me. When the knife is mere inches
Away from killing me, a blurred figure comes and tackles the thug to the ground. I stare at her in awe processing what just happend.

XXX-come on! Run away or you will die

Karma-who....the fuck are u.*says shocked*

Spirit-the names spirit..lets cut the chit chat and get fucking running!

I just stand there schocked that this strange girl with white hair with a open black leather jacket with white shirt inside and black pants with chains on pocket suddenly came to my aid

Karma-ri...right*stands up*

*suddenly 6 more thugs come to the aid of the others*

Big thug-whats going on here!!*says in deep voice*

Thug#2-these...these strange people started to attack us out of nowhere!

Big thug-huh*looks at karma and spirit*

Big thug-these kids...caused a problem for u..

Thug#2-dont underestimate them there stronger than they look!!

Big thug-tch whatever u two cant do anything right

*the thugs all take out knifes and lead pipes*

Thug#3-heh youre all dead

Spirit-kid if ur planning on running the perfect time would be now!!*gets on fighting positiom*

Karma-heh.i may look like nothing special but..*stands next to spirit*i know how to defend myself

Spirit-heh i see so your not just some coward.fine lets do this kid!


*karma and spirit rush to the gang of thugs*

*Karma summons a hot dog*

Karma-Take this!!*hits a thug with a hot dog in the stomach*

Thug#4-GAH!!*spits out blood and he faints*

Big thug-What the!!...How the hell did you did that!! with a hot dog!

Karma-i have the power to harden my food to anything i want

Spirit-well thats a interesting power

*Karma roundhouse kicks thug#3*

Karma-im also strong physically of course*smirks*

Thug#5-tch getting a little cocky arent we *tries to hit karma with lead pipe but spirit grabs it*

*Spirit touches thug#5 and rips his soul out*

Thug#5-wha.......what are u*says dried up*

Spirit-i am death itself *destroys thug#5 soul and kills him*

*Karma whistles indicating that hes impressed *

Karma-what are u exactly

Spirit-me..well im the grim reapers daugher nice to meet ya

Karma-the reapers...daughter!?


Authors note
Hey guys a friend of mine is planning on making a drawing of karma and spirit just need u guys to pick between a drawing of:
Karma and spirit having a couple time or
Karma and spirit fighting along each other
The drawing will be fetured in the chapter 5 media photo
Put ur answers on the comments section please
Thanks for liking and reading the book peace

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