Chapter 26 - Stay the Night

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Chapter 26 - Stay the Night

A month has passed since Luke and I finally found ourselves in a good place. Everything went by so fast it seemed like a blur. All of a sudden, finals were on the way, then over and now we get a few weeks off school. We planned to end the term by having a little get together. And by little, I mean the entire junior class was to be there: us, plus the expected party crashers from the senior and sophomore class. As usual, Lacey was spearheading the event and it was going to happen in her parent’s cabin.

"We're still on for tonight, right?" Luke asked, leaning on the lockers as I gathered my things.

"Aren't you going with Stacey?" I asked in confusion before slamming my locker shut.

"Don't even get me started," he replied, taking a deep breath before saying "that woman is driving me crazy."

I couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. When Luke and I started talking again, our "significant others" took the news differently. Austin smiled then assured me that he was fine with it and that he was happy for me. Stacey, on the other hand, went a little too overboard. She and Luke got into a huge fight, and I don't think it ever really ended. She hated my guts, but I don't really care.

This time, apparently, Stacey wanted to stay home to "study." Of course, Luke knew his girlfriend well and called her bluff. There were too many phones calls hung up and shouts exchanged.

"Luke, I think you should sit this one out," I admitted. I didn't want this party to get in the way of their relationship, the way everything Luke and I do together seem to. The party music was far from being played but world war III has already begun.

"Smith, please. I have been working my ass off. I need to have some fun. She does not get to control me, you hear?" he replied in a dramatic way.

"Shut up!" I replied with a laugh and a light punch to his arm.

"We both know how it went down for me. What about you? How did it go with Austin?" He asked intently. He shoved his hands down his pocket a d stopped walking. I spun around and rolled my eyes.

"Well, we talked through Skype last night. He said he was fine with it, but I think he's lying to me."

"Well, he isn't exactly my biggest fan," he said with a smirk.

"And you like him?"

"Never said I did," he said. "Let's just go, alright? It's just a party. What could possibly go wrong?"

"What could possibly go wrong? Well, let me tell you: you getting drunk and me having to carry you home!" I teased.

"Hey, that was one time!" He replied defensively before casually resting his arm on my shoulder. "We're going to have fun."

As we turned a corner, he asked, "so, where is the boyfriend anyway?"

"He went out of town with his family and will be back in two weeks."

"So I have you all to myself for the next two weeks then! Isn't that fantastic, Smith?" he flashed me a triumphant smile, which I returned with a roll of the eyes then a smile.

"So it seems."

We've always been careful because we both knew that in a way, we were walking on a thin sheet of ice. Stacey told Luke to his face that she was not pleased with me, and Austin gave me fake smiles in the hopes to reassure me that he was fine. We were glad to have each other back, but we were careful. To be honest, it was getting a bit old and tiring.

"I'll come by and pick you up at 8. Bye," he said before giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaving.

I walked to the parking lot quickly to avoid the massive wave of people rejoicing after finishing their exams. When I got home, I plopped myself down on my bed and I realized how tired I really was. I closed my eyes and it was 8:30 pm when I opened them again. If it weren't for Luke's interference, I would have slept through the night.

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