Chapter 27 - All of Me

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HELLO, THERE! First of all, I would like to greet every one a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :) I've been gone for so long and I would like to apologize. It's just that school's been very demanding and I didn't have enough free time to write. :(

Anyway, here goes!

Chapter 27 - All of Me

There are breaks you look forward to - spring break, Christmas break, term break, summer break and all possible kinds of breaks that means not having to show up for class and sleeping in. Then there are the worst kinds of breaks - heartbreaks, break ups and "we need a break" kind of break. At the moment, I feel like I'm on all three bad breaks.

Austin. Wants. To take. A. Break.

I had to tell myself slowly and I repeat it for about thirty times before it finally started to make sense. I confessed my feelings for my best friend to my boyfriend. And now we're on a break. Great job, self. I spent the entire day in bed, not having the energy to get up. It was 4 in the afternoon and I could not be bothered to fill my empty stomach.

And as if timing could not be more perfect, Mikey entered my room. "What do you want? Get out of my room," I snapped." "Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" He joked. "Cheer up, baby sis. I come bearing food from that waffle place you adore." He was still standing outside my bedroom and flashing me an innocent smile, which promptly disappeared when he saw the sleeping bed on my floor. He shuffled inside my room and placed the food on my bedside table. He handed me a cup of hot chocolate and said "take a sip and tell me what happened." It always amazed me how Mikey never failed to read my mind; he always knew what I needed. I ignored him and finished the hot chocolate.

He gave me a funny look as I downed the entire thing in a matter of seconds. It was the perfect temperature and not as hot as the seat I'm sitting on. Mikey wanted answers and knowing my brother, I was left with no choice but to give them to him. I recounted yesterday's events as vividly as I could. It wasn't hard to tell him at first - it just became more difficult when we came to the part where Luke was in my bedroom and everything that happened after. It was normal for the entire family to have Luke around and to see him sprawled on my bedroom floor whilst he drooled over his pillow (yes, my mother insisted on buying him his own stuff for when he slept over). Mikey and I were under the impression they were about to remodel the guest room for Luke so that he had his own room. Call them crazy, but they treated Luke as their own. He was like the little brother Mikey never had. This made it harder to tell him that Luke kissed me and that I kissed him back.

I looked at Mikey when I was finished and he looked confused and a little betrayed so I asked, "do you hate me, too?"

"Oh, kiddo. I could never hate you. I just thought you would have told me about this sooner," he said with a small smile.

"Mikey, you're busy with law school. It's not like I can call you every time I have boy trouble."

"V, you know I will always have time for you. Sorry if I made you feel like I didn't," he put his arm around me.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked. I sounded more defeated than I wanted to let on.

"Do you want me to be honest?" he asked.

"Yes, please."

"I think you like him...him being Luke. You always looked at him in this weird way. I mean, a good kind of weird. I see you light up whenever he enters the room. And when he kisses your forehead or your cheek? You look like you're about to melt and there's a small hint of pink on your cheeks. I always thought things between you two weren't just friendly. But then Austin came. And maybe you're happier with him, and maybe you're not. Only you would know. But you can't have them both, kiddo. You've got to choose one. Luke made his feelings for you crystal clear and Austin knows. Now he wants a break. Use this time to think things through."

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