Chapter 5

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I had completely forgot to set an alarm last night which meant that me and Brianne were late.

We rushed around and managed to get out the house within 10 minute until the first bell for homeroom rang.

Just as we entered the school gates the bell rang.

"Oh shit, you have 5 minutes to get to the reception." I said, as I rushed out my car.

" I don't get what's all the rush, unless you need to go meet someone!" Brianne shouted, with a smug smile on her face.

"I don't need to see any-" and Cameron Evans floods my mind. "anyone, I just don't want you to be late on your  first day." I called out to her, slowing down my pace.

"Whatever you say, but if there is anyone then you-" before she could finish her sentence the second bell rang.

So I grabbed her arm and rushed her into school and to reception.

"Good Morning, I'm Brianne Richardson and I'm suppose to be starting here today." Brianne said, in the most sickly tone, and the most fake smile plastered across her face.

"You're late on your first day Miss Richardson, this will not be accepted further on during your time at our school." said the receptionist behind the desk, scowling at us.

"Don't worry Miss urr....Miss, it won't happen again. Now if I have your permission can I get my timetable so I can get going and hopefully won't be late to my next lesson." replied Brianne, with a bored expression.

She was the complete opposite of me in school. She doesn't care about what the teachers think or do. She could hardly give two damns about her grades and homework. Yet she always manages to secure herself a A.

"Here's your timetable, your first lesson is Chemistry and you're expected to be there by 9:15. And here is your locker key, your locker number is 305 and it is located in building number 2. You have a map of the school in your timetable. Have a good day." Finally the receptionist finished talking and let us go.

As soon as we were round the corner, away form the reception we burst into a fits of laughter.

"Oh-My-God did you see her face!" said Brianne in between her laughs, "Someone clearly didn't get the D last night, she looked like she could kill the next person who breathed near her!"

That got me going again. I hadn't laughed this hard in ages. I missed having fun and actually enjoying my life.

For the next 10 minutes, we walked around the school locating Brianne's locker that was in the other building, then we went back to my locker, and walked into first period with 2 minutes to spare.

I introduced Brianne to the teacher and made my way to my seat. Brianne sat in front of me. We got our books out and soon the class started to get filled with sluts, nerds, goths, cheerleaders and the "bad boys". Each and everyone of them looking my way, I tried to ignore them but it was hopeless!

The lesson began and I started to zone out replaying yesterday incident over and over again in my head. Who would have thought that I would have actually talked back to Cameron and cussed him out in front of the whole class?

I looked up and saw that the teacher was writing notes so I got my pen out and started writing whatever she wrote for 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes my hands were aching as hell Then I realised it was nearly the end of Chemistry and Cameron still hadn't made an appearance. I mean, he was usually late but not this late (that's if he actually decided to not ditch the lesson). Maybe, he's just skipping first period?

Cameron may not attend all of his classes but he never missed a whole day off school. Whether he was ill or not. If he was ill he would either not come in the morning or the afternoon but he would still make an appearance.

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