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Dear Diary,

Oh my gosh! Has it actually been a whole month since I've written in here. This is bad. This is bad. This is bad. I'm not trying to justify myself in anyway because not writing in here is unforgivable as per Hayley laws but I've been crazy busy with treatment and school and family and boys. Wink wink.

Anyway so about the cancer. Well I'm bald. The most ugliest, scrawniest and baldest girl ever. But I am getting better and the doctors are testing for cancer tommorow but there can't see any trace of it.

As for Adam, he is the jerkiest jerk ever. When I told him about my cancer he said and I quote,
"Ew," like wtf who does that? So that's kind of my boy drama.

But my life has been pretty boring.
So you tommorow diary.

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