Chapter 8

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Luhan's P.O.V.

I stirred in my sleep, pulling in a breath. It was a little cold, and that forced me to wake up unwillingly. The nearly shockingly red walls made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
What had happened to my room's walls? I got up supported by my hands, collapsing soon discovering the stabbing pain on my hand. Again.
I grinded my teeth together holding the white bandage on my hand. When would I learn? Probably never, as a fun matter of a fact.

Oh. My mouth formed an "o" when the realization hit me. The Titanic. Not my room.

Well, but, yes, it was technically my room. For now.

The blurriness of sleep faded from my eyes as I blinked a few times and looked around, once again becoming familiar with the surroundings.

My memory must've started playing with me; I remembered throwing my clothes in my dizzy state onto the floor and then somehow making it to my bed. My memory didn't match with what I saw, though. Instead of seeing wine-splattered clothes scattered messily on the floor I saw them in the hanger next to my bed. Had I been dreaming and lifted them up? I sighed in confusion.

Creating a glance at the brown table on the opposite side of the room it didn't take me long to understand how my clothes had been picked up. Supposedly a steward, or a stewardess, had visited. My eyes weren't playing tricks on me, I hoped as I got up from the bed, feeling chilly air hit my skin.

After lifting the cover off the tray that had been brought into my room, my senses were filled with delightful and rich aromas of the dinner I had been served. While I was asleep. I must've looked like a mess. Hopefully the steward didn't get a heart attack seeing me laying there like a dead body, I chuckled, placing the cover on the table.

The lingering warmth of the food awoke my senses as it didn't take me long to devour the delicious meal; even the cast didn't bother the hungry-enough me. I honestly hadn't been waiting too much from the food, because after all, it was something they'd serve on a ship, so nothing too fancy, but in this case I should have expected something more. This whole ship was like from another whole world, so how you could await for something regular? I nodded to myself in my thoughts and got up from the wooden chair I had been sitting on enjoying my meal.

Rummaging through the bags of mine I aimed to find some clothes to change into. I decided to wear what I could grab first; of course my only dark grey coloured trench coat would be in the laundry for a while, so I didn't try to match any of my clothes to that cool tone. Instead I went for an opposite.

A white dress shirt, classically, followed by a light brown vest, fairly dark pants and a tone or two lighter dress coat. It wasn't a bad mix, I smirked, looking at the nearly renewed version of myself.

But I still missed my hat.

I sighed at the emptiness the top of my head was experiencing.

I should have had bought another hat before all of this, but, obviously it was now way too late.

Folding the wine splattered clothes next to the tray, I left a note to the maid to pick up the clothes too for a quick wash. Maybe that would save their glory, as I liked them.

Not looking back another time I stepped outside the cabin to maybe, possibly, seek for Minseok. It wouldn't hurt to walk around a bit.

But to my surprise, I wasn't going to be left with empty hands.

"Minseok?" I stopped in my tracks, discovering one of the probably poorest passengers sweeping the floor with a broom. I had a lot of questions now, Kim Minseok.

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