Ch 24- Languages

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If there was one thing I love, it's seeing Lauren's eyes brighten at the mention of her favorite topics. She instantly becomes passionate and begins to speak with her hands as she elaborates on the subjects. But there was literally something magical about her standing in front of a classroom full of her students.

Today was going to be a little different though. On this Saturday morning Lauren was scheduled to give a discourse to her students as well as fellow staff members, upcoming freshmen, and their families, on one of her favorite things to talk about. The subject they assigned to her for the mornings activities was communication, I'm not sure why they chose her for this topic but apparently they thought it suitable, and Lauren of course had to take it to another level.

The morning had been filled with different lectures on multiple topics of discussions that are supposed to get future students excited about coming to college, but at the same time reassure their parents they are getting their money's worth sending their kids here.

The room is filled with murmurs of the countless people in the large auditorium. I sat in the front row beside the newly wedded Normani and Dinah as we waited for Lauren's arrival. I had a bit of an idea of what her lecture would be about but she wouldn't let me hear it all when she was practicing at home. She insisted she wanted parts of it to remain a surprise.

I heard paced, yet confident footsteps walking towards centerstage. I'm not sure if it's weird or not to recognize her footsteps but I do, which causes my attention to focus on the green-eyed professor who now stands in the middle of the stage.

She says nothing, but her presence demands attention.

Without a word everyones focus shifts to the woman on stage. I can't help but feel proud at the fact that they are all in the palm of her hand, little do they know that she's in the palm of mine.

She simply clears her throat, and organizes the papers on her stand, and the remaining whispers disappear.

Her tough demeanor vanishes as she greets her audience with a smile and if I'm not mistaken I actually hear some sighs of relief from behind me.

"To have a second language, is to posses a second soul" she said confidently.

"This was said by Charlemagne, who was a King in the middle ages."

She knew most people in the room would not know who the historic persona is so she took the moment to explain.

"By definition a language, is a system of communication used by a particular community or country and I want to focus a bit on this definition today"

She became more comfortable and walked out from behind the podium and I recall her speaking of this definition at home as she practiced this discussion but she didn't really allow me to hear much after that.

"For those of you that have been in my classroom" she continued "And as I look into the audience I see quiet a few of you" I could of sworn her eyes landed on mine at the last statement but it could be my imagination.

Whether or not it was true, the moment brings back memories to the days where we'd sneak secret innuendos in public discussions in the classroom. It reminds me of all the stolen glances, the playful teasing, making me nostalgic for the times where our relationship was just beginning. Not that I would ever trade what we have now, for what we had then.

"You should know by now that I prefer to have discussions, not give lectures. So I am going to be asking of the audiences participation during this talk." she explains.

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