More then you know

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Chapter 2: More then you know

"Sir, do you think I can have some fun with it?" Sans says licking his lips. A shiver runs up my spine. "No Sans! Where going to take this human and I am going to get the credit for capturing It. Until then, you're not going to touch it!" San sighs. Why do I get the feeling I should be running. "You guys know, where I come from, where friends?" I tell them. "Friends?" Papyrus laughs. "Yeah, I'm from another world. In my world we become friends, and we make it back to the human world."  Papyrus almost chokes. "It's a nice thought. If we monsters did get up there I could kill the lot of humans. But we still need 7 souls. And you, you are number 1.

Wait. You mean I'm the first Human to fall since Chara? I turn to run when I feel my hair grabbed and I'm pulled to the ground. "Ah! L-let me go!" I scream. "Sans! Take us to the torcher chamber!" Sans walks over to us, puts his hand on Papyrus and we finish and appear In a room with axes knives and operating tables.  Oh no! Papyrus pulls me over to the wall. "Let me go, Papyrus!"  He throws me up  on wall and chains me by my wrist to it. "I'm going to be the one who has the plusher of extracting your soul, NOT Alphys! For now I have things to do, I'll be back for your soul latter Human. Come on Sans, you get out! I'm locking the door and hiding the key!"

Mom, Everyone?! Help me, I'm so scared!

Sans and Papyrus where gone for probably more then a few hours. It was night I think. I fell asleep on my knees with my hands chained above me. Someone walks In but I don't here it as I'm asleep. "Good thing I don't need a key." laughs leans down looks at my face. They put there hand on my mouth but it doesn't wake me. They slip the other hand up my shirt and under my bra griping one of my breast. "Emf!" I open my eyes wide seeing Sans. But its the other Sans. His eye glows red illuminating a big smile on his face in the darkness. "You like that pet?" He starts to massage me. " Emmmmf!" He takes his hand from my shirt and wraps a dog collar around my neck with a leash attached.  "Don't do this." I say because I know what his going to do.  Sans ignores me. He takes the chains off my wrest then pulls me away from the wall by the collar. Sans l-let me go."

Sans pulls me harder. "Shut up pet!" Once he has me away from the wall he gets on top of me. "Mom, Papyrus, undyne, Sans, help me!" Sans laughs. That's right, pet. Say my name. Sans pulls my shirt off and throws it to the ground. I close my eyes tight. The floor is so cold. I'm so scared. I don't want loosing my innocence to happen this way! Sans takes of my bra. I flinch to the cold air. Sans licks my neck then bits it hard. "Uh!" I turn my head as tears slip out of my eyes onto the floor. His tongue feels like candle wakes. He looks at me letting his tongue drip on to my skin. It burns.

"You look so cute when you cry, pet." He laughs and grabs my hands putting them above my head on the ground. Keep your hands here or I'll punish you. He licks and bites one of my breast. he's hurting me. "Sans, I forgive you, and I-I still love you. No matter what. P-please don't forget that." Sans flinches and looks at me trembling. "Y-you l-love me?" I look up at Sans. You don't know how much I love all of you. I left my hand to his face resting it on his cheek. I blink letting tears slip down my face. "I'd die for you."

Sans stares at me speechless. "You would forgive me for raping you?" He asks. I cover my eyes and cry harder. You and everyone else are all I have. I-if It weren't for you, I'd be all alone In the world. I just- I just wish you wouldn't look at me like this. I'm a mess. Sans looked at me shaking. He had never heard anyone talk like this before. She's telling me if it weren't for me, shed be alone. That she loves me. Me and Sans suddenly are on the couch. He then vanishes leaving me there. He can teleport to then, huh? He reapers with my cloths and a blanket. "Come here." I set up and turn as he puts my bra and shirt on me. He then wraps a big blanket around me sets down and pulls me into his lap. He points the remote at the TV.

Sans P.O.V

"What do you want to watch?" Sans asks. "Um, boxing?"  I give her a look. "You like boxing?" Yeah, why not?" I put a boxing match on and begin to think to myself.  What's wrong with me? I covers my face. Why am I suddenly being nice to her? She's just some dumb human bitch. "Sans, are you okay?" I look down at her. "You're asking me If I'm okay?" Yeah." She gets closer her face inches from mine. "You seem upset about something." My face turns red. "I'm find!" I grab her and we teleport to the kitchen. I put her down In a chair with the blanket still wrapped around her. "What do you want to eat?" I ask her. "Uh, spaghetti?" She tells me. "Ew, spaghetti? Who In hell likes spaghetti? How about some mustard?" I asked. "Huh, for you its mustard? No, I'm not dumb. I know that gets you drunk down here." H-how do you know that?" Because, I've been here before, Sans. Well, in my world I came here. You used to get drunk all the time." Huh. I'll be right back.

I teleport to the store. When I go back I have a plate of spaghetti. I put it down on the table in front of her. "Thank you." She says. I Look at her noticing the collar is still on her. I take it off her throw it to the ground and set across from her. "Okay, first off, what's your name? "Frisk. Okay Frisk, now, I want you to tell me everything. How you meat this other me and how you got here." She tells me everything. How she got to the world she knows as Undertale, how she got out but then reset and meat Chara who I now to be a sweet ghost, how she killed everyone, how I killed her, but she was able to reset one more time and save everyone. And then she told me how she got here.

I'm baffled by all of it. The world she new is so different form mine.

Authors Note: Hey, sorry I had to put this pic here Something was wrong with my computer so this was the only place I could put It

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Authors Note: Hey, sorry I had to put this pic here Something was wrong with my computer so this was the only place I could put It.

"How are you supposed to get back?" I ask her. "I don't know." I here the front door open. Quickly I grab Frisk and teleport her back in the torcher room. I drop her on the ground and teleport back to the kitchen. "Sans?" Papyrus asks me. "Yes, sir?"
"Why Is there half eaten spaghetti here?"
"I was eating it and I forgot about it."
He walks up to me and heats me in the back of the head full force causing my head to fly forward and my face heat the table. "How dare you leave half eaten food in my house! Now, me and you are going to talk to Undyne about something. She wants to see both of us. After that where coming back to extract the humans soul."
"Yes, sir."

Me and  Papyrus walk out the front door. Hopefully she knows the torcher room door is unlocked.
After a little bit of walking it starts to snow. "So, Sans. Tell me, did you really think I wouldn't notice you where letting the human walk around?" Papyrus asks
Oh fuck.

Hi there. Sorry this chapter was short, but thank you for reading anyway CX


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