Welcome to Planet Drool.

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As we began to run towards Sharkboy's rocket I decided it'll be easier to run in my wolf form. So I shifted and began to run next to Sharkboy.
        "I cant believe im finally getting to ditch this place and go to Planet Drool! How are we getting there?!?!" Max asked as he trailed behind us.
        "You sure ask a lot of questions don't you Max" I asked him. Once we made it on to the ship I shifted back into my human form and made myself comfy in the seat between Sharkboy and Lavagirl and pulled out my sliver glasses.
        "Put these on everybody. Blue for the boys and Pink for the girls" Lavagirl said handing Max and Sharky their glasses.
        "Do you have another pair of Blue glasses?" Max asked realizing that he got a pair of pink ones.
        "Don't bite the hand that feeds you Max" I told him.
        "So.How do you fly it?" Sharkboy asked. "You don't know?" Max turned towards him.
        "Duh! that's sorta been the whole problem." Sharky exclaimed. Suddenly Max did something and a green 'Go' button came up and he pushed it resulting to us taking off and on our way to Planet Drool.
        "How do you fly it?" I asked
        "Its got an autopilot" Max said while making a weird yet amusing face.
        "You just thought of everything, didn't you Max" Lavagirl asked with a smile on her face. "Not exactly." Max replied.
        "How do you land it?" Sharky asked.
        "That's the part I never thought of." Max replied making me worry a bit.
        "Wait! So you have no idea how to land this metal death trap!?!" I asked Max frantically with a scared look on my face. He nods.
        "Oh I am not going to die tonight!" I exclaimed as I sink my claws in to the sides of my seat.
        "Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, you might want to hold on to something" Lavagirl said as she and Sharkboy grab on to the handle bars.
         Then the ship had crashed kinda softly making me sigh in relief, the latch of the ship opened and thee four of us walked out.   I turned to Max.
"Welcome to Planet Drool.....or whats left of it"

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