emo trinity

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fall out boy: leo, aries, virgo, taurus

panic! at the disco: cancer, pisces, gemini, sagittarius 

my chemical romance: capricorn, aquarius, scorpio, libra


should i make like a separate twitter/instagram just for like requests for this book (book? what even is this emo trash) and other books in the future, idk, we'll see - andrea (your trash can) :-))

should i make like a separate twitter/instagram just for like requests for this book (book? what even is this emo trash) and other books in the future, idk, we'll see - andrea (your trash can) :-))

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(this is the video ^^^ for the image way far up brendon's asshole, um, this was obvious, why did i even, ok i'll go drink bleach rn)

band zodiac signs Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora