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Now I got to deal with this shit. Silas said to himself as he watched the police take Lucky away. She was placed inside their car. Everybody stood there in shock. Even Hadji who had cool down. He wanted an explanation. Nasir looked around with a frown as he touched the side of his face. He couldn't believe that this shit was happening. Not in his establishment.

"Silas come holler at me in my office." Nasir demanded. Brooke shook her head as she look at Silas with disgust.

"Silas—" Brooke started but Nasir interrupted her.

"Yo shut up, don't tell him shit..." He cursed her. Brooke suck her teeth before looking over at Nasir she knew to keep her mouth close. Zane was pissed, she stared Silas down as he made his way inside of Nasir's office.

"What's going on yo?" Nasir asked him. "Why is the police at my business?"

Silas shook his head before answering. He didn't tell anybody that Lucky was on the scene when he murdered Gunner. He didn't want anybody thinking that he was weak when it came to a bitch.

He also didn't want his dad to find out, Ramses would have Lucky captured and killed for being a witness.

"Man you don't hear me talking to you? I said what the fuck is going on? I know who Gabriel is. That's Gunner right? What she got to do with his death?" Nasir interrogated his little brother.

Nasir didn't work for his father but he knew what was going on when it came to business.

"Lucky was at the scene when that nigga got killed." Silas replied back.

Nasir narrowed his eyes over at his lil brother and nodded his head. "Alright so she was helping you murk that nigga or what?"

"Nah." Silas shook his head. "She was dating him."

Nasir frowned while sitting up straight with the cigar in his hand, he leaned his head over to make sure he heard Silas right. "Lucky was dating Gunner?"

"Yeah..." Silas trailed off. "After we popped him, she walked in and caught us in the room." 

"So she's a witness to everything?"

Silas only nodded his head, he didn't feel the need to say anything else.

"Damn." Nasir cursed, "You fucking up.. You really fucking up Silas... you was supposed to kill her.. What you think pops gone do when he find out that Lucky was a witness to the murder of that nigga that he sent you after? Huh?"

Silas already knew how his pops rocked. You think Ramses cared if the witness was pregnant-or even had kids, you think he would care if you wouldn't say shit or if you was old and harmless.. You think he cared if you was young and fine. HELL NO! He was going to make sure your ass was dead.

"He's not going to find out at all so I'm not worried." Silas told him in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh really? And how you know that Lucky not gonna say shit? She might be running her mouth to them motherfuckers right now as we speak."

"She not saying shit, she already know what's up."

 ✤ ✤ ✤

The officer hummed as he sat there with his eyes fixated on Lucky. She was sitting in a small room with nothing inside but a table and chair. The room smelled like coffee and that made her nauseated. 

With her hands clasped, she leaned her head down. Lucky wanted to leave the police station. It was crucial for her to hide her face for a few weeks. She was embarrassed. As soon as she raised her head, she noticed a black policeman walking inside the room with papers in his hands. Lucky knew he was going to ask her questions, but she already knew what to do.

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