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If you run up on mistakes, ignore them😁.

"Who are you?" Lucky asked the white man as he stood there. He was the leader of the pack. He looked rich but you could tell that he was rough in his younger years by the bags under his eyes and the long faint scar.

"I'm Blanche's father.. I think we got some business to handle.. Boy." The man said as he added a lot of emphasis on boy. He eyed Silas as if he wanted to kill him.

Lucky looked at Silas and grabbed his hand. "Look at the mess you're in. This bitch done sent her father over here."

"I got this." Silas assured her. "Go ahead and go to the car." Lucky eyed the men and looked back at Silas.

"No." She shook her head, "I am not leaving you by yourself with all of these men."

"Well...well...well... So you're the infamous Silas Stevenson." Blanche's father said as he walked up the stoop.

Silas didn't say anything; he just stared the man down. He was getting fed up with Blanche and her shenanigans. She was sending her parents to his house as if they could make him step up to her baby.

"Luck go wait in the car." He repeated in a demanding tone.

"I already told you that I'm not leaving you with all these men." She whispered to him. Silas grabbed her by her waist and pushed her gently. "Man go."

She sucked her teeth as she glared at him and then she turned her attention back on the white men who were all dressed in suits; looking quite professional but Lucky couldn't be fooled. She knew that they probably were members in a Ku Klux Klan group.

She eased down the stoop and made her way to Silas' all grey Camaro that he was riding in.

Blanche's father sucked his teeth and gave Silas a mischievous look. "You know." The man started while taking a cigarette out of his pocket. "I tried to keep Blanche away from guys like you but I failed."

"Is that so?" Silas asked him while placing both of his hands inside of his pockets. He didn't really have time to be standing up there exchanging racist remarks to Blanche's father, he had to go look for Chanel's thieving ass. "Guys like me, just go ahead and say black niggas.. That's what you want to say anyway right?"

"That's exactly what I want to say." He replied to Silas while blowing out the toxic smoke.

Silas wasn't even bothered by that. He was going to let a little racist remark get to him. "Look man, I don't have time to be doing this bullshit with you right now, I got other shit to do."

Lucky stayed in the car; she had to roll the window down since the windows were tinted black. She notice a lot of hostility.

"I'm not done talking to you boy." He told him.

Silas looked at the other two men who were glaring at him, he then looked over at Blanche's father and pointed his finger at him.

"Don't call me no boy, I'll fuck you and these weak ass niggas up, keep fucking with me." He dared him.

One of the men tried walking up to Silas but Blanche's father prevented it. He push the man back. "I got this Bill, let me handle this."

"You good over here man?" The black Chris that stayed beside Silas asked. He walk over with his hand on his gun that was tucked away, he eyed the three white men attentively.

Silas knew Chris around the way but he didn't fuck with him like that. He just nodded his head. "Oh I'm straight, good looking out."

Chris nodded his head and backed up, when he walked outside he notice that those three white men were crowding Silas as if they were going to do something to him and he didn't like that. He was not going to let them jump old boy.

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