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I've been so stressed out lately...😨 sorry for the prolong update.
You may notice that I speeded up the story also.

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"Hey Silas." Briana greeted with a smile, he gave her a head nod and grabbed her luggage since he was a man and he had manners.

They all got inside of Silas' car and took off. Briana sat in the back, "Thanks for letting me stay.. I really do appreciate it."

Silas looked in his rear view mirror, "It's no problem at all."

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"You can put your things in here." Lucky told her little sister as she opened up the closet door that used to have her stuff in but Silas insisted that she place all of her things in his room. He had enough space for her anyway.

Briana sucked her teeth, "In here?" She asked while pointing her manicured finger at the empty large closet. "Really?"

Lucky looked at the closet and back at her sister "Uh, yeah, you got a problem with it?"

"No, I just was expecting to get my own room though." Briana said in a fiesty way while placing her large suitcase inside of the closet. "I don't want to sleep on no air mattress."

Lucky eyed her for a minute. She needed to have a talk with Briana about her smart ass mouth. Lucky knew her sister and she definitely wasn't gonna put up with that.

"Well... you called me and this is the best I can do, Silas doesn't have a mansion." Lucky retorted sarcastically.

Briana scoffed while pushing her luggage inside of the closet.

"Look, Bri... you can stay here for a while and you can get your GED while you're out here and then after that Silas said that he could help you get your own apartment.... either in New York or here in Philly... your choice."

"I'm only fifteen though." Briana replied back.

"You can get emancipated, I'm sure mom will happily sign them damn papers, that's if we can find her... you didn't get to see her before you left huh?"

Briana nodded her head, "I seen her at the bus stop, she had just hopped out of a car with this old black man but I didn't speak to her."

"Oh." Lucky replied dryly. She knew that Briana didn't speak to her mom because she was angry at her, she was upset with Linda because she abandoned her three daughters.

"And Briana, watch that smart ass mouth of yours... I know how you can get..."

"Whatever Lucy." Briana said under her breath as she closed the closet door.

"I'm serious." Lucky replied back, she followed her sister into the living room.


"And don't be around here acting all hot and shit."

"Okaaay." Briana said in a whiny tone and rolled her eyes. "I hear you."

Lucky didn't say anything back. She just stared at her sister. She couldn't believe that she was about to become somebody's mother. Not Briana....she remember when her sister was in diapers.

"How's my niece doing?" Lucky asked her sister. It had been a while since she talked to Briana. Her phone was always off since she never paid the bill.

"She's straight, I think she's ready to come out." Briana said while rubbing her belly.

"Why you say that?" Lucky asked while plopping down on the couch and touching her sisters belly. "Damn girl, you're big."

"I know." Briana laughed. "She's just been kicking so much lately... and I've dropped."

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