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Lucky furrowed her eyebrows at her little sister as she laid in bed. "Where you going? You see what time it is?"

Briana turned around and sighed. She had Cali in her arms and the diaper bag hanging off her shoulder.

"Why?" She remarked. "It's just eight-thirty."

"Because I need to know smartass. You can't be taking Cali any and everywhere at this time of night. Especially around them no good friends of yours."

"You want to keep her then?"

"Naw, you fucked and got her-you gone watch her twenty-four-seven. I got something to do anyways. I'm about to hop in the shower."

Briana's upper lip curled as she eyed Lucky. "So you been laying in the bed all day without washing your ass? Cmon now Lucky, you was just fucking some nigga. My baby got to sleep in that bed."

Lucky lunged a pillow at Briana but it hit Cali's head instead. She looked over at her auntie with drool dripping from her small lips. She had a confused expression on her face.

"Oh, my bad Cali." Lucky got up and kissed the baby on her jaw. She looked over at Briana and narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you ever try to play me." She warned her sister while pointing her finger. "I took a shower over his house this morning."

"Yeah whatever. I'm going over to Spicy's house."

"What is a Spicy?" Lucky asked while grabbing the baby from her sister. Cali was busy nibbling on her chubby fists.

"You know Spice...the pretty dark-skin girl who used to date Kairo(Bliss' brother). She wants to see Cali so I'mma take her over there."

Lucky studied her niece, she was still bald headed. Her hair was trying to grow at the top but the back was a no show right now. However, she was still beautiful with her girly face features.

"Oh that ho." Lucky said while nodding her head. "Well just be careful and make sure you don't run into Caleb because I don't want nothing to happen to my you or my niece."

"Yeah, I got us." Briana remarked while going through her purse. She had a metro-card with a couple of twenties in her wallet. Lucky notice it but she didn't comment on it. She knew that Briana must've done something for those twenty-dollar bills.

After Briana left, Lucky quickly found something to wear. Tommy was going to pick her up later on and she wanted to look decent. She didn't have a lot of clothes or shoes since her shit was back in Philly, but she had a couple of shirts and jeans that she could easily put together. She also had a dress .

Lucky stood in front of the mirror after showering. She touched the mirror and smeared off the fog. She looked at herself and shook her head.

"Man, I need to change my hair color." She ran her fingers through her curly black hair and sighed. She had just finish washing it because her hair smelled like weed, perfume, and sweat.

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