Chapter 5~ I Love You So F*cking Much

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Here you go, lovelys. 



"I know what you and Marcus do." Tyler said.

I automatically tensed up and started blurting apologies.

"I'm so sorry."


"I don't know what can over me."

"Alfie I-"

"I'm such a bad person." I said, ignoring my name.

"I don't care!" He finally yelled and I froze.


"Marcus and I broke up this morning, Alfie." He said.

"What? Why?"

"He broke up with me and said he had feelings for someone else." He smirked at me.

"But-But aren't you upset? Aren't you going to hit-" 

"I have my eye on someone else too Alf."


"I don't want to say." He said, looking down but he quickly looked back up with that knowing smirk.

"Look, I know Marcus is going to be here soon. Just let him say what he has to say. I want to be at the wedding." He joked with me, I weakly laughed and nodded my head.

"Bye Tyler. Thanks for being so- understanding." I said.

"Anytime Alfie." and with that he walked out.

Not even thirty minutes later, I heard someone -Marcus- knocking on my door.

When I opened it, I was pushed against the wall, and the rough lips I was very familiar with enveloped mine.

"I love you too." He whispered against my lips and a thousand fireworks erupted inside of my stomach.

"Make love to me." I whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe and he moaned.


He then laid me gently against my mattress -something he has never done- and began planting soft kisses against my neck.

When I moaned louder then usual he stopped and sucked on that one spot leaving a large love bite.

He continued his journey down my body, sucking the occasional love bite all over my body.

When he got to the waist-line of my boxers, he teared them off with his teeth. I moaned just from watching him do it.

He slowly brought his hand up and down my member my member causing me to arch my back.

"More," I breathed.

"As you wish."

He then went into the drawer on my right and got out a lube and condom.

He slicked up three of his fingers and slowly eased one inside of me.

The mixture of pain and pleasure made me moan loudly.


He eased two of his fingers inside of me and I hissed from the intrusion.

He covered my lips with his to distract me from the pain, when he came back from my lips I only felt pleasure.

"Just fucking do it." I hissed and he moaned.


He slowly pushed inside of me, and I moaned.

"God I fucking love you." Marcus moaned into my ear.

Making me moan even louder.

I felt myself reaching my high.

"I love you." He moaned again into my ear.

"Say it again."

"I love you so goddamn much."

"I love you too." I roughly got out.

And with that I came all over Marcus and I's chest, the feelings of my cum all over him, cause him to come inside of me.

He collapsed on top of me and mumbled one more time, "I love you."

Before rolling over and going to sleep.



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