s o n d e r .

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Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.

The idea of life is a very complicated thought. There are so many aspects that we don't understand about this four letter word. We see hundreds  of people a day, but we do not stop and think of the complex feelings, ideas, and lives of them. In fact sometimes we think that we want to be exactly like them so we can run away from all of our own mistakes and revelations. The only thing we do not under stand is the fact that we are all human. We all go through problems and we all get through them. When you see a pretty girl in the store, you hastily make a decision of wanting to be more like her without knowing fully the power of that thought. This pretty girl may be suffering in the worst way possible but outs on a smile for the world so it could not see the tears, sadness, and anger. We believe that all other human being have a better life than we do. In reality, we as humans will always make mistakes and drown in our own sorrowful revelations.

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