Danti Love

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(Darks POV)

Dark shouted out in joy as Anti was pulled into the realm with him. He pulled him tight wrapping his arms around him. "Love." He whispered. Anti bowed his head in relief and took the hug. He clutched something in his hands that Dark couldn't be more happy to see. "Maya! Edgar!" 

Just then the weight of what he had just done hit him. Dark suddenly went limb and slid downwards to the floor. Anti quickly scooped him up under the arms. Anti sits carefully and lays Dark atop his lap. The 2 pups squirm and giggle around them and Edgar begins violently licking at his face.

"Down boy." Dark tells him in a soft deep voice. Maya grabbed Edgar by the ear being the responsible girl she was and put him in check. Maya lead him off to the side and they sat patiently behind the opposite door.

Anti hovered over Dark. His green hair dangled in front of his eyes  and he cupped the side of Dark's face. Dark starred up at him not wanting to speak but savior the moment. All of the sudden Anti glances towards the door at the rapid sound of two pairs of steps running away from them. Dark chocked out a laugh and went for it.

As Anti glanced away he reached up with all his slowly regaining strength and he strangled him around the neck pulling himself up into him into a giant bear hug. Tackling him to his back to the cool tile floor.

I don't know *screams and writes some light fluff*

As Dark laid on top of Anti, Anti grinned back up at him his teeth retracted into there sharper form and his eyes glazed over one green and blue, one blacked out. Dark felt the same change of black phased eyes come over him and leaned down into Anti and kissing his neck over and over again. Anti wrapped his one arm around Dark's neck and pushed themselves both into a sitting position with the other.

They sat legs woven together making out fiercely Anti drove his hands through Dark's thick mane of hair and Dark nearly giggled with joy. This continued on for nearly 10 more minutes. Before Anti threw his head back gasping for air.

He scooted back across the floor and he pulled the strings of his hoodie tight. He hunched over and began a cute laugh. "I knew you would always be my savior Darki. Your always my light in the darkness times.... or I guess my darkness in the blinding light." He smirked his arms draped over his knees looking up to Dark.

Dark pushed his back into the wall and panted outwards his muscles felt tense but his heart felt light and free. He gave a small hair flip and began buttoning up the buttons of his flannel. "And your my little Irish doofus who needs his guide to the treasure. If you know what I mean." He joked inappropriately raising his eyebrows. 

Anti laughed out loud at that. "Well what now? Where in a hospital i'm sure Felix is here now. They're gonna form a plan sooner or later." 

Dark scowled thinking this over giving the cleverest answer he could think of "Well were in a hospital so why don't I bring out my Dr. Iplier side and we play doctor?"

Anti gave a big smile before getting to his knees and slowly crawling over to and on top of Mark.

(Marks POV)

Mark awoke early the next morning having hardly slept. As he rolled over the get up he was greeted with Jacks arm smacking him in the face. "You Irish b*astard." He joked to himself. 

Standing up he walked to the back of the kitchen at least they had enough food for a life time. Speaking of... food. The very thought of food made Mark cringe over in hunger as he realizes he hasn't ate in 3 days. Tearing open a pantry door he rips a pack of bread and rolls off the self and shoves one into his mouth.

The semi stale bread tasted heavenly to him. After eating two he looked around the rest of the huge stock of food and found a can opener and opened a can of canned fruit and began eating it straight from the container. 

He sat the can beside him and hoisted himself atop the marble counter tops. Grabbing the can in his hand and eating the syrupy fruit one-by-one as he went he grabbed down 2 big card board boxes from atop a the giant fridge. Setting them down on the counter top he crouched beside them still on the counter and peaked inside them.

"Jackpot!" He sang in a dramatic voice. 

The first box was full of wrapped baked goods in the styles of brownies, twinkies, and donuts. The second sounded like a vending machine supplies worth of candy just by shaking the box.

Within a minute the swinging door to the kitchen wobbled open and Jack fumbled in rubbing his eyes. "Mahrk..? We had a good night. A good night to get some real sleep and your in here scavenging food." As he said this Mark instinctly held out a banana from off the counter. 

Hesitant based off what he has just said Jack swiped the fruit and began eating it. Mark heard him mumbling under his breath between bites "I f*cking hate bananas." He finished the whole thing before throwing the peel back at Marks face. Mark laughed at all the banana jokes that came to his mind.

Throwing his hands up to block it, it splatted to the floor and Mark gave a deep throated giggle which Jack returned with a loud laugh. 

A few minutes later they both turned towards the door at a chaotic sound. Felix was there gasping for breath, Mark jumped down from the counter and Jack followed behind him. 

Mark threw open the door. "Oh sh*t."

"Shite." Jack replied aside him at his flank.

Felix sat upright looking like he was being chocked to death but none of the antis were to be seen.

Jack ran forward and checked Felix's neck. He was fine. 

Mark was looking around wildly trying to find who of them was doing it when suddenly a split seconded movement caught his eye and he whipped himself around to follow it. 

A dark shadow was tearing around the wide open dinning hall and Mark couldn't keep track of it. He went to turn to help Felix and Jack when suddenly a feeling of a hand slept over his eyes and momentarily everything turned black. But then... it came back like a blanket of black.

 Blinking rapidly Mark tried to regain his sight. 

Suddenly he could feel arms being wrapped around him. He didn't know how but he knew they were Jacks. A moment later he felt Felix standing by his side. But he was still blind.

Mark opened his mouth to tell them, to scream. But no sound came out. 

He could feel the vibrations of his voice in his throat. But he could hear no sound escaping from his lips. 

Out of no where a loud scream came and filled into Marks head. He raised his arms and pressed them into his skull to try to cover the noise but it only made it louder. They were inside him.

Jack grabbed one of his arms and Felix the other and Mark could feel them trying to calm him down.

But alas every waking corner of his mind sounded like screams. Not his own but others. Of people, people being tortured. People living in there own Hells with there own demons. 

With no escape. 

No escape. 

And through the pain he felt these people all, all at once on an individual level. They all needed his help but he couldn't move. 

He couldn't save them.

Couldn't help. 

He was blind. 

He was deaf. 

And suddenly he was paralyzed.

Hello!!!! So I legit winged this and DID NOT expect this to happen so know I have to rethink EVERYTHING!!!! 

What do you think is happening? Who do you think the shadow man is? WILL MARK SURVIVE!? 

Comment below what you think cuz it could be a few weeks! 

Stars also appreciated! -Howl on!

Darkiplier × AntiSepticeye: Hostage SituationWhere stories live. Discover now