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I have no idea how to write a fight scene YEET LETS GO!

Last proper chapter fyi!!!!! Maybe a epilogue, but would you guys like a character Q and A?

Googles pov:

And so the battle begins.

Jack walks in to the room in a shuffle. Slowly in a cop like way.

Felix sways the sword in a surprisingly professional manner. Oh what you dont know about that man.

I can feel Mark willingly give over to me. His soul rests inside of me as I take the controls of his body. I can feel a thought in my head that is his. He is comparing me to that of an animatronic shell. Not far off I suppose. I smirk raising up his arms and swiping them aside causing sparks to fly across the room from outlets and surgical tools.

Dark looms to his feet Anti joining him. They both bear scowls across there faces.

The room clouds over in shadow as Death takes his stand. The only illumination coming from me.

"Stand down." I curse through Marks lips.

Anti whispers something to Darks ear and gives him kisses from his chin to his collar bone. Dark lets out a small moan. His hand twitching to life. Raising it up he tosses Felix into a wall. Deaths shadow form falls from the wall to the ground in physical form.

Felix clung onto his sword. Death jumps to his feet and pushes Anti into the neighboring wall. Felix gathers himself quick and deals a retaliating blow a deep slash across his Antis forearm. Death chuckles and twists the same arm far back.

Dark runs behind Death grabbing his necl to pull him off of Anti. I grab his bicept and send electrodes pulsing through his body. He turns back towards me to throw me off when a satisfying gunshot rings through the air tearing into Deaths shoulder.

Falling to the ground unthinkingly Dark begins to force choke Jack. Jack and Anti both tumble to the floor trying to breath.

Dark lets up for Antis sake. "As if this wasnt already an unfair fight! We cant even kill you or we die!" Anti coughs out.

Darks shoulders slope. You can feel his brain working as the room grows still with the smell of blood and sweat. "Unless we kill Google then it all ends.... it all circles to Google. His death should free our ties." Dark practically cackles looking into my/our eyes, "And wadda yeah know... 2 for 1." He gives a toothy grin revealing his sharp white canine teeth against the black of the room.

I feel Mark panic and begin to cry from within my mind. Death throws Dark back. Felix swings again at Anti. It was a gruesom blow. His left arm was barely even attacked at this point. You could see the man throw up into his mouth.

Jack on the other hand did throw up. I mean rightfully so he just watched his own arm get cut off.

Weakly Dark charges me with the force of all his love for Anti and hatre for the world. I block him with a digital shield but it wont do much for long.

Through Antis screams of pain you can here a a frightened Jackaboy weep out, "I WONT LOSE ANOTHER OF MY FRIENDS."

His cry breaks the room and every man freezes at the cock of his gun.

Everyone stops even Dark and faces the green haired boy. Shakily he's raising his hands directly to Darks skull. I can see how much his hands are shaking.

Mark is breaking down the walls of my mind screaming so I allow him out.

"Jack. Leave it to them. Even if there wh othey are. You dont need a murder on your precious little mind. Please Sean."

Darkiplier × AntiSepticeye: Hostage SituationWhere stories live. Discover now