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I supported Ryan as he struggled to sit down on my bed. After I had successfully knocked out Hunter, that admittedly I felt bad about, I had found Ryan slumped on the floor in the next confined room. I had somehow managed to navigate the clubhouse until I found the back entrance.

Sadly, I had forgotten that my car was still at No Mans land, so I had to walk nearly 40 minutes, while basically carrying Ryan.

It was now 2 in the afternoon, and I had things to do. First, I sent a text to 'Daniel', asking if he'd like to go on a coffee date. I sighed when I received a response from him, telling me his address because he wanted to have the coffee there. Whatever, it just made my job easier.

Next, I texted Holland.

I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. But I was angry. I was, ah, injured juring the fight, and Hunter took me to the Silver Blades clubhouse for an interrogation. Please text Zamon and tell him I'm sorry, and that i'll be back soon.

I sighed, throwing my phone onto the couch, before I sat down next to it with my head in my hands. I had a million thoughts flying through my mind. Was Hunter okay? Did everyone make it? Where was Holland? Did Keenan get Sebastian?

These thoughts brought me back to my pulsing arm. It had finally started to hurt as the blood flow had returned, which had made basically carrying Ryan a fun experience. At least the bleeding wasn't too bad.

Gathering my thoughts, I headed towards the bathroom. I searched my cabinet, pushing things aside until I spotted the First-aid kit. I pulled out a bandage, medical tweezers, some medical tape, and peroxide.

I went back to the bedroom, before returning with a belt. I tied the belt around my arm, pulling as tight as it would go. Then, I picked up the tweezers, inhaling as I placed them at the opening, wincing as I started to dig out the 9mm. bullet. After the bullet was safely out of my arm, I picked up the dreaded peroxide bottle. I anticipated the pain, knew how it felt, but it always seemed to surprise me. I hissed out a breath through clenched teeth, blinking back tears. Before I wrapped my arm, I removed the belt and happily jumped in the shower, as thoughts about this stupid date assaulted me.


I stared at the buzzer to the apartment building, contemplating the risks of pressing it. But alas, my hand had a mind of its own. The electronic sound buzzed, and I immediately regretted it. I waited a couple minutes for a response, and went to flee in hope. The door opened behind me and I scowled, before turning back around with a smile.

"I was starting to believe you'd bailed on me." I emphasized my girly voice.

He smirked,"I would never do that. Come, I've just put the coffee on" He turned and left me glaring after me. No wonder he's single, he likes to treat girls like dogs.

I pushed past the door before it closed, and followed the sound of his foot falls up the stairs.

His apartment door was open, so I walked straight in and found him standing in his kitchen. The whole apartment was open, with an industrial chic style. To the left was the kitchen, with open metal shelving, a big stainless steel island, which had pots and pans hanging over it, with stainless steel appliances. Opposite this was the dining room. Last, taking up the rest of the space at the back of the apartment was the lounge room. Glass windows made up the right and end wall, since the apartment was made up of the right corner of the building.

Between the kitcken and lounge room, on the left side were 2 doors, which I assumed was the master bedroom and the bathroom. The whole apartment was impressive. I guess the FBI did pay well.

I sat on one of the bar stools, as 'Daniel' turned to face me with 2 cups of coffee,"So, tell me about yourself, Rachel"


I had basically lied to him about my whole life. Now, he was doing the same back, and I was forced to exclaim my surprise at faux shit he's done.

I checked my phone, seeing that it was now 6:48 p.m. I had been here for nearly three hours now, I guess it's time to get this show on the road.

"Can I use your bathroom, just to... freshen up?" I said seductively.

His eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, before he smiled wide. He thought he was getting lucky. The thought nearly made me chuckle, but I held back.

"Ah, yeah, yeah sure, it's the second door. I'll just make us some more coffee."

I winked," okay"

I swiveled off the stool, before gliding over to the bathroom door, and entering. I waited a minute, before slowly cracking the door open slowly. He had his back to me, standing at the coffee machine. I inched out the door, smiling as it didn't creak. As I got closer, I watched as he placed something next to him on the bench, before he started stirring the drink. He had placed a little clear vile on the bench, that was half filled with a white crystal substence. That bastard.

I reached up and quietly grabbed one of the wide pans hanging above the island, and winced as it grinded along the metal hook it hung from. But Dylan didn't turn around, too infused in adding more of the drug into my drink. Before I called him out, I heard him muttering to himself, Thank god I don't work tomorrow.

I smirked, gripping the pan handle harder," What are you doing?!" Shock laced my voice as he turned around, startled, dropping the vile.

"Nothing, I swear, I promise I wasn't going to... Wait, Rachel, let go of the pan, before-" Before I knock you the fuck out asshole, I thought as he laid on the tiles, unmoving.

Man, Disney shook make a real life Tangled. I would rock as Repunzel.

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