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Alright let's do this thing

(Tagged by the great eeetttt)

1*you must post the rules
2*you have to answer all 13 questions asked by the person who tagged you and you must create 13 more questions for the people you tag
3*you have 7 days to complete it
4*once completed ask 13 more questions
5*tag backs are allowed
6*you must give it a creative name
7*you have to say who tagged you


1) did writing the rules annoy as much as did me?
English correction: as *it* did me
But hes, yes it did, as well as the questions.

2) favorite game to play on your phone

3) if you could meet Dan and Phil, but could only say five words, what would you say?
Hi, you're pretty cool, dude.

4) listen to the guns for hands commentary track and tell me what you think of it (i cried)
I feel so bad that Tyler had to explain that song even though he said that he wasn't really comfortable explaining. I'm sorry, Tyler.

5) what's the stereotype about your star sign you hate the most?
That we're all about our emotions and it seems like we're on our period every day, like I'm not good with emotions and I just get irritated really fast so yeah.

6) biggest pet peeve?
Ignorant people who don't know what they're talking about, stuff like that

7) what's the most inspirational thing someone has ever told you?
Lunch is in ten minutes haha no
"Maybe there's something your afraid to say, or someone your afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters."
-John Green

8) what's some thing you like to do when you're sad?
Listen to my "The Mood" Playlist on Spotify haHA I'm lame

9) what's one feature you love about your body?
My eyes

10) what's one thing you love about your personality?
I'm funny and sarcastic

11) if you could go back and change one huge mistake, what would you do?
I could go back and be closer to my grandpa before he passed away

12) are you a unicorn, mermaid, or alien?
I think I'm a unicorn

13) what's your worst habit?
Being sarcastic at the most inappropriate


Okie my turn with the questions:

1) favorite color?
2) song you listened to last?
3) favorite band (s)?
4) ipod, iphone, samsung, or lg
5) favorite blurryface song
6) who are your best friends?
7) song you would listen to on repeat
8) favorite book to movie adaption
9) glasses, contacts, neither?
10) least favorite blurryface song
11) song that's overplayed
12) childhood movie(s)
13) are you fairly local?

I tag you:

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