welcome back

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I have a few things to talk about that I didn't know where I could talk about it, so I'll just do it here

1)I thought my dad was gonna take me book shopping and let me drive in a empty parking lot, but he's been ignoring me basically ever since we got back home from my wisdom teeth consultation appointment

2)I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out on January 26 next year and they're gonna give me an IV and I hate needles that go in that spot where IVs go in

3)I really miss my friends and I want to hug them and cry

4)I really like this guy, but he doesn't like me and it's complicated and I just wish I didn't like him so I wouldn't have to worry about stupid feelings and hormones

5)I'm listening to producer by Whittaker feat. Tyler joseph and I'm crying bc it's so sad and good

I feel so alone

Idc if you think I'm whining bc you're the one who's reading this god awful rant book, so if you think that, then go somewhere else

For this of you that actually care and we're able to read through my complaining without cringing (I applaud you)

I'll be okay

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