It's been a while, hasn't it?
I still think of you everyday
Whether it'd be intentional or I'm just reminded of you in every way possible
There are a lot of times that I miss you and miss talking to you
Then I realize how broken that "relationship" was..
I still kinda miss it in some twisted way
I remember a lot of our conversations, including your promises...
They were all lies, weren't they?
You've probably already moved on
You ended it the first time and then the second
I guess history really does repeat itself
I live close to your city now
I'm only a few blocks away
I could seriously just walk to your house
But I couldn't and I can't
You've made me cry so many times
You've made me feel stupid so many times
Sometimes I wish we never met or we never liked each other
But sometimes I'm glad we did
Idk it's weird
Simce I moved close to your city, I would've been going to your school if it weren't for my transfer that let's me stay at my school
I don't think it would've worked out in the best circumstances, you and me
I've been trying to get you out of my head and it just never works
I always end up just missing you again
I guess that's all I can really say to you since we'll never talk againGoodbye