Entry 2

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24/4/12 17:30
"Petal" - She made herself a flower crown as tribute.
Writing in this journal feels weird. I've never done anything like this before. I always thought it was too girlish when I was a kid and as an adult I've had no purpose for it until this point. It's just strange, writing down things to remember them when you can remember them so clearly now. I know I'll thank myself later. She'll thank me later. But it's still so strange. I need to hurry up and get used to it though.
I took a visit to Emilia's grave today during my lunch break and left a drawing that Nova made. I hope it doesn't rain soon. I hope that wherever she is now that she can see it. I hope she at least would appreciate it. No, I know that she would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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