The Before

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Dear inanimate object,

Today was the first day back after 48 hours away from each other. The squad was tired and lacking a member.

Alexis didn't make an appearance today so we had a quieter calmer squad than usual ( I say calmer because the concept of 'calm' hasn't quite reached our remote corner of this-subjectively-big island). Lex usually makes it her mission to take an average of a day off per week. Today it was because of her uterus trying to strangle itself. But other times it has been anything: Needing to raise money for research into 'why?' and 'how?' to having existential crisies about cheese moulding.

Alexis' weekly crisis meant we heard next to nothing of K-pop all day. Izzy read and Eleanor and Miriam obsessed over 'Game of Thrones'. So it was an average day...Until the phone rang.
And then once the phone had rung, it was still an average day. Except now we were another player down. 

" Emma you have a dentist appointment" (Emma being Leo's code name). Of course Squad all knew what this meant, so patted him on the back and told him to have a good time at the 'dentist' *wink-wink*

Leo slowly walked out of class, until the door had shut reluctantly behind him. Then he ran into the 'cleaning' cupboard in the Humanities block.

The rest of the day was just as normal, Miriam styled Eleanor's hair in about 5 seconds. Then it shined and glistened like a puddle in the sun. Emily continued delusioning about 'Jamie'; Erin was also delusioning, but in her delusion she wasn't good at playing guitar! Nearly as delusional as one of us having a boyfriend!

The rest of the scene was just as typical: Izzy reading,with the occasional groan when her ship was near sinking; Daniel being very arty; and me? I was recording it all here, within these pages. For no one to read except myself. And even then only so i can sink into the whirlpool of our insignificant existence.

Until next time 


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