Ticci tobeh x multi personality!male!reader

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Pt. 2 sorry if Toby's is longer...I guess I had more ideas then the other's.

Toby's POV

It's been a week since I've last seen (m/n)...truth to tell I miss his multi personality self. I've snapped...my sister died, I killed my abusive dad, and set fire to my house and the forest in the back yard of my house. I grabbed two hatches and ran away. I bumped into a tall guy named Slenderman and said I can stay with him if I became his proxy. I agreed and he gave me these cool steam punk goggles and mouth guard. He basically saved me from burning. He teleported us to a mansion and I followed him inside. I met two other proxies of slender, masky and hoodie. There ok...but somehow I just like to bug masky...I don't know why it's just kinda fun. I met other residents of the mansion, Jeff the killer, Jane the killer, EJ, LJ, homicidal Liu, Sally, clockwork and so on. They said there's one more but I can't seem to find him, his name's X or X out, I don't know i can't remember. Anyway I was exploring the house and let me tell you...it's FUCKING HUGE! I mean there's like 10 rooms and like two bathrooms. Then there's the basement. My curiosity got the best of me and I went down the stairs. "HEY! Get back up here you nugget! You can't be down there!" I looked up to see LJ with his hands on his hips and tapping his foot. "W-hy?" I walked back up to LJ and put my hands behind my back like I was a child. "Because that there rooms dangerous. If you go in there then you'll be used as a punching bag." "w-wh-at do y-you m-mean" he looked left, then right, then down the stairs, then to me. He seemed a bit nervous to say something but he whispered "you know X? He's got major personality disorder and one of his personalities have gotten out of control. He uses the basement to let out some steam so he can't hurt anyone. To be truthfull, I feel kinda bad for him. So be careful, ok New guy?" I nodded. The door opened and a guy came out, he looked tiered. He had on a black trench coat, a Gray shirt with a red X and Gray pants, a black mask with a big white X. "Oh X we were just talking about you!" he said cheerfully. "Oh really? What about?" his voice was like dark vaders but mixed with a chipmunks voice. Hehe...it was kinda funny... "Who's this?" "this my friend, is...what's your name kid?" "t-tic-ci Toby." X started to mumble something but stopped. "Sorry I need to go. Nice meeting you ticci Toby." he brushed passed me and LJ and walked away quickly. "Well...that was weird...well kid enjoy the mansion. Dinners at six, don't be late. Ok?" I nodded then he walked away. I looked to the basement door and looked around to see if anyone was there. 'It's 5:30...I got plenty of time. No one...perfect' I slowly started to go down the stairs and opened the door. Inside was a punching bag and the walls were soft, Markings were everywhere. There's this one wall that has the soft stuff torn off of it and dents in the metal wall. The punching bag was leaking sand on the floor and it looked like the chain would give out. There was a little stand in the corner with a bottle of pills. I read the prescription and it said pain killer's. I read the name prescribed to them and I was shocked. (M/n) (l/n)...'could it be him?' I heard foot steps and I hid in the punching bag. I peaked through a hole and saw X running down the stairs. He quickly shut the door and Sat in a corner holding his head, whispering something. "It's him...it's him...what are we going to do?" he took off his mask and I silently gasped. It WAS (m/n). He's X. "What if he finds out...? What if he's still scared of us?" "I hope not" "he is! You saw his face when we looked at him! He was fucking terrified! First friend in ages and we fucking messed it up!" "it's my fault. I let blue take over..." "hey! I helped! If I hadn't stepped in then he'd probably be a dead body by then! Besides it was red's fault for not helping" "Don't you fucking blame all this on me you piece of shit! I tryed!" "well...he...he might forgive us..." "I hope so..." I felt bad, I wanted to tell him that I did. I heard a rip then I fell back, sand falling on out. I Sat up and looked at the corner where (m/n) is. He quickly put hos mask back on and red came out. "You little prick, you were eavesdropping! How much did you hear?" "....a-all of it..." I got up and hugged him. He stiffened and didn't speak, not even red spoke. "I f-for-give you." he sighed and hugged back. "Thank you Toby"

§Time skip to 9 months later§

Me and (m/n) gotten to know each other a little more since we've only talked to each other for one day before any of this happened. And I've found out...that he...makes the best waffles...EVER! There even better then mine when I make them! Me and (m/n) was in the kitchen making waffles while everyone else went on a killing spree "Hey Tobias~" he said. "D-don't ca-ll me th-that..." "Fine. Do you want my last waffle, I'm kinda stuffed" I eagerly nodded and grabbed the tasty treat and devoured it. But, I've also found out something else...I...might have a slight crush on him...but...he might not feel the same... I'm kind of scared he, might just laugh at me. (M/n) side hugged me. "What's wrong bud? You look nervous" "o-oh...no-nothing..." "come on you can tell us..." Orange...that personality was always comforting, the other two i didn't like really well. "Ya Toby. You can tell us" "w-well...um..." I looked at him then the floor. 'Hmm...the floor seems interesting...' I thought nervously. " well? What is it, we don't got all day!" "red shut up" I looked at him and took a deep breath. "Hey u-um...(m/n)? D-do-do you h-have any lo-ove inter-ests?" he put his pointer finger on his chin and thought. "Well...I think I do...but I'm afraid of what he's going to say" "w-wait...he?" he nodded. "I'm uh...gay...hehe" "O-oh...wh-o?" he pulled me to his lap and whispered "you" I was blushing cheery red and I just smiled behind my mask. "Um...I...i-I like y-ou too" I turned around so I could hug him a better hug and put my blushing face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around my back and held me close, chuckling. "Hey Toby?" "y-yeah-" I was cut off by pulling my mouth guard down and brought his lips to mine. My eyes widened but fluttered closed behind my goggles. His lips were a bit chapped but I didn't care. The kiss was gentle and passionate and sweet. We pulled away as we lost air and looked into each other's eyes. His left eye turned red. "Gaywads..." "g-God red...h-had to r-ru-in the mo-ment..." then we both started to laugh. He still held me close. "Love you Toby." "love you too (m/n)" then he pecked my lips before I fell asleep on his chest.

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