eyeless Jack x male!abused!reader

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This amazing person that well..it's all in the name lol! iwubsheep made this. Hope you like it! smile on! May look different on here. The person Did it on docs.

Eyeless jack x Male!Reader. ... yaoi cause it's MALE READER! im sorry if you are offended or
something but HEY if you ship them go ahead and read.
You were in class today. Another day in personal hell. You hated it every bit of it. You were always
bullied by the other students. It was always like this, you never did anything to anyone, and you were
still made fun of. You were also abused by your parents, but you didn’t want to bother by telling
anyone about it. You ran a hand down your hair, brushing it to the side. And waited for class to start.
Then you saw a new boy student enter the class. Oh, God another victim.
“Class there’s a new student here today. I would like you all to be nice to him.” The teacher said as
she introduced the new kid. He had brown hair, blue eyes, fit build and a handsome clear
complexion. “What is your name, young man?”, the teacher asked the new boy student. “I’m Jack
Anderson”, the boy replied. All the students began to whisper. “Check out the new guy.” “He’s hot.”
Some of the girls whispered to themselves. You mentally rolled your eyes at the thought, the girls
just want another boy to slip into their pants.
“Very well, Mr.Anderson. You may sit near (Y/N)(L/N). Mr.(L/N), please raise your hand.”, the
teacher asked. You raised your hand for Jack to see. “Why is he sitting next to that guy? That guy’s
a freak.” Some of the girl students said to each other. Jack went over to the seat next to you. “All right then, students. Let’s begin class”, the teacher said. Then class started.
Once class ended, Jack greeted you. “Hi, I’m Jack Anderson.” You both high fived. “What’s up, I’m
(Y/N)(L/N).” You greeted back. “I’m new here, is it always like this with everyone in this school?” he
asked you. “Hell yeah.”, you answered him. You both laughed. “I hope you and I can be good
friends.” Jack said. “Sure, cool.” You said as a reply back.
Then the popular girl in the school named Liz made her way over to you and Jack. “Hey Jackie”, you
mentally gagged and rolled your eyes at her tone, “You wanna hang out with me instead of … this
thing.” She asked Jack.
Jack glared at her. “No thank you.” He replied back. “Oh but Jackie, you’ll have fun.” She pleaded
again in a seductive and annoying tone again. “Listen miss, I said no. And when I say no, it’s a no.” Jack harshly answered back to her. “Hmph”, Liz
said angrily as she began to walk away. “Who was that?” Jack asked you, “It looked like she wanted to get in my pants.” “That was Liz Smithson. The popular girl in the whole school. She slept with all the Jocks in the
whole school sports team. She tries anything to make guys go into bed with her.” You answered his question. “It’s pretty dense really. One minute, you get lucky, then you get the blue waffle.” You explained. “Oh God you saw it?” Jack asked“Yeah, it was the worst scene while getting into the feeling of making out” You said.
Liz turned back to you. “I’m sorry, what was that, you lowlife?!” Liz madly yelled at you. “Oh, nothing
just telling the new kid Jack how you’re the biggest slut in the whole school.” You replied back.
She madly growled. “You’ll be sorry, you weirdo.” She madly stopped back to her clique of friends.
You and Jack quietly laughed at her frustrated façade. You two began to talk about your lives.
“Where do you live?” you asked Jack. “213 (Your street’s name).” he answered back. “That’s the
same road I live one.” You excitedly said. “Really, awesome” Jack cheerily said. You quietly stared
back at Jack, he was so handsome. You were somewhat attracted to him. But you thought that he
wouldn’t go for someone like you.
*Time Skip brought to you by America’s love for England*
Once the school day ended, you walked back to your house. You saw a (color you hate) car pulled
up on the driveway. “Crap,” you whispered. You sighed knowing what was going to happen. It
happens every day like this.
“You worthless piece of shit” your dad yelled at you while beating everywhere on you.
Your mother was hitting you with a belt endlessly. You were all battered and bloody. Your bruises
were all purple and the cuts and scars on you were bleeding. You were losing conscious, you hated
your parents with everything you got. You hated your whole life. You just wanted to end it all.
*Eyeless Jack’s POV*
These kids really have to stop doing drugs. Their kidneys taste horrible. I was finishing up one of my
kills. Then headed down the street I live on, it was also (Y/N)’s home street. I decided to head near
(Y/N) house, and then I could hear someone was getting beaten. I looked inside the house. I saw
(Y/N) with his parents beating him close to death. Why was he getting beaten? He looks so innocent.
I wanted to kill his parents then and there, but what would (Y/N) think? Would he hate me? I sadly
watched and quietly wandered off somewhere secretly to watch him once he was alright.
*Your POV*
You dragged yourself back to your room once your parents stopped beating you. You were covered
with bruises all over and deep cuts seeped through your skin. You thought it through and decided
you had enough, you would sneak out of your house to escape your abusive parents. You went with
that idea. You cleaned yourself off best you could. Then you went out your window to the outside of
your house. You quietly sneaked off while you made sure your parents couldn’t detect you leaving
the house. You went down the street when walking onto the road.
While you walked down the open road, you kept walking for God knows how long since when you
left your house. You kept moving with whatever life you had inside you. You were wondering what
you would do once you were found. The police finding you, bringing you back to your parents, your parents beating you to a pulp until you were dead. You shivered at the thought of it. So you decided
to keep from thinking the thought of it.
You were near an open street, until you saw an unpleasant sight. It was Liz and her group of friends.
They caught sight of you and took advantage of the moment. They looked like they had the intention
to kill you on sight. All you knew was Liz and her friends are beating you senselessly to death with
Liz satisfied with you near death. You were beaten all over where you were hit before and blood
stained your clothes. Once the job was finished, Liz and her friends walked off like it was nothing.
And left you for dead.
You felt close to your own death, you knew no one would care if you were dead, not your parents or
anyone else. You were clinging to what was left of your life. Then everything went black as you lost
*Eyeless Jack’s POV*
I watched as Liz and her friends beaten and nearly killed off (Y/N). Once it was over, I went over
where (Y/N) laid down unconscious. He was severely beaten and slowly bleeding to death. I blamed
myself for this. I should have helped him. I care for him. I think I even love him. I have to save him
I called the Slender Mansion. “Hello” I said as I called the others. “Hello, Jack.” One of the
creepypastas answered my call. I could tell it was Jane. “I’m coming back to the Mansion. And I’m
bringing someone over in need of medical treatment.” “Okay, E.J., I’ll tell Smile dog to help out. We’ll
see you when you get here.” “Thanks Jane, bye” I hung up my phone. Then I picked up (Y/N) bridal
style and walked my way back to the Slender Mansion. I wonder how (Y/N) will react to the others...

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