Liu babe x psycho!reader

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You sat there in the same cell in the same jacket in the same room as a guy with scares on his face and bright green eyes. You had a knack for his and everyone's eyes. That's how you came here, you cut out your sister's eye and kept it. It was a beautiful blue, but you hated it when it turned milky. They shined so much and when you popped one of them out they slowly started to turn milky... You sighed dreamily. His eyes were a bit dull but still looked beautiful. You only had dull gray.

Your POV

"Dude...that bitch is starring at us again..." "It's OK sully, I'm sure she'll stop.. eventually... " I just giggled. "Damn...that giggle is cute but fuck, could you stop starring?!" I smiled wider and giggled and continued to stare at his beautiful eyes.. So green.. I want them! "Your eyes..." I whispered hoarsely. I don't talk much to new people but he's an exception...his eyes! Most people has dull and pale colored eyes...his...HAHAHAHAHA! HIS EYES!! I was growing restless...oh the green... "Um...what about them..?" "Their so beautiful... Such a vibrant green...I love them..." He seemed taken back by my comment and blushed a bit. His eyes dilated for a bit and I squealed and giggled louder. "Oh so pretty! I wish I had eyes like yours.." I ploped onto my side and still stared at him my eyes wide and not leaving anytime soon. His eyes..his eyes..his eyes! I laughed insanely and almost tackled him but I got yanked back by the chain, causing me to choke. I coughed and crawled to a corner. "I didn't mean to...I'm sorry...I'm sorry!" I cried. "So you say..." "No! Please! I'm sorry!" I curled up more. Ugh I can't control my self! Please...make it stop! I laughed and cried at the same time, just like I did when I cut Krista's eye out. "So shiny...s-shiny! Hahahahahaha! Krista! I'm sorry lil sis! Hahahahahahah! Oh god why?!" I had these fits was embarrassing.. " I cried. "I'm sorry! I-i don't mean to be like this..! I-i..! Oh god! Hahhahahahaha! So shiny! Hahaha! I must!" I jumped at him again but got choked again. I coughed. "Haha..s-hiny...eyes...I love your eyes... I'm so sorry..." I whispered weakly. He just stared at me in pity. "Don't... FUCKING PITY ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT! hurts...Krista I'm sorry..." I clutched my head from the headache, all this white... I felt a hand pet my head and I looked up, my gray dull eyes looking up to green, emerald eyes. "It's OK..." "Dude it's like dealing with Jeff again..." "Who..?" I tilted my tear stained face up to him. "He's our brother...who's Krista?" I fell silent and looked down. "My...sister.." Crying again I barried my face into his stomach. He pet me. "It's OK love...shhhh calm down...shhh..." I felt him kiss my head and I calmed down a bit. "Thank you...liu...sully..."

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