Chapter 7 Possesed

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"I think so to." Said Kodi. "Let's fly back home now. I'm getting really hungry.." "Same here." Me and Kodi started flying in the sky. It was cold but warm. I felt weird.


Once we were at home, we both went straight to the fridge. "IM SOOOO HUNGRY!!" I said " GIMME FOOD!!!" Said Kodi. I opened the fridge with Kodi next to me. "Oh yeah... I forgot we only have cheese." "Cmon, let's go to the new restaurant near here. I forgot what it's called tho. I think it's called....Shadō  Kuroi!! Yeah, that's what it's called!! Let's go!!" I said. "YAY!"

~at shadō Kuroi~

"NOM NOM NOM NOM!!" Kodi stiffed his face with chicken wings. I started at him. "What?" He asked "oh nun." I looked away and I started eating. Kodi went back to eating his chicken wings.
As I was eating, I saw something black fly past Kodi. *just my imagination* I went back to eating. I froze. I stopped eating. I say there and started at Kodi. I couldn't move. It felt like something took over my body. "JURIA?" Kodi asked my name. He looked confused. He waved his hands in my face. "Earth to juria!" My eyes slowly turned brown to a bright red. I don't know what was happening. Was it that black thing I saw? Until I realized that it might be the black shadow. Is it why this place is called
Shadō Kuroi (Black Shadow)

I grabbed Kodis arm and twisted it. I couldn't control myself. I didn't know what was happening. "Huh? Ow!! JURIA! Ow!!"
"Help me..." I whispered. I couldn't really open my mouth.

"It might be that Black shodow.". Kodi said. "Owww! JURIA!! Stop!!"  I  then grabbed a knife.
The door opened. "We're is that Shadow?!"
Said an old man.
The shadow left my body. I got dizzy and fainted. "JURIA!!!"
I don't know
What happened after that.

~1 week later*
I woke up. I saw Kodi next to me sitting done on a chair look down with his blonde hair covering his face. He looked sad. "Kodi??" I said. KODI  looked up." JURIA!!" Kodi hugged me. I tried to hug him back but I couldn't. "I'll go get the doc"


"Hey kodi. Why did I end up in the hospital agian?" "I'll tell you when we get home...."

Sorry this ones short my battery's low. Hehehe merp :3

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