Chapter 11 School Problems

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Today was the first day of school. We had to wear uniform. Of course I didn't listen! Hah! Like I'm wearing that! For the girls the uniform was a white skirt and those school shirts thingys. And for the dudes the wear. They wear uniform... Yeah. "Cmon Juria! You have to wear it. It's the first day!" "Okay fine. I'm not doing it cuz u told me to! Just saying!" Me and kodi went to go out our uniform out. Kodi was to skinny to fit his uniform so it was all loose. Mine was okay. But I put a sweater over it. "I NEED FOOD!!" Yelled kodi looking at him self in the mirror. "Uh kodi. What time does school start?" "8:00" "it's 8:06" "HOLY SHAT!! WE GOTTA GO!! GRAB YO BAGS!!"yelled kodi. Me and kodi grabbed our bags. "LETS GO! WERE LATE!!! ON THE FIRST DAY!!" I yelled. I grabbed Kodis hair and dragged him to the school. "Ow juria!! Agian?!" "Oh sorry! Hurry up turtle!!" We both started running. We made it!

~after class~

"I'm starving!" Kodi said rubbing his belly. "That's why we're going to lunch. Duh." I said. Everyone kept string at us for some reason. Me and kodi looked at window. We saw our reflection. "Right... Our ears... Great." I said. "There just jelly. Let's go to lunch now!!" "*sigh* okay.."
We got our lunch. We sat at a table. 3 girls sat with us. "Well, well, well, who's the hottie?" Me and kodi turned and look at each other. We looked behind us. "Um...who?" Asked Kodi. "You silly!" Said the other girl. "Oh um..." Kodi started blushing. The three girls looked really pretty. One had red hair, and blue eyes, the other green hair and green eyes, and the last one had brown hair and brown eyes. She was the one that was talking about kodi. Eh..
"Do you have a girlfriend? Or is this her?" The brunette looked at me as if she saw dog crap on the side walk. "Um no! Uh..." Said kodi. "Perfect!" The brunette whisperd. "I think you have  chance with him!" Whisperd the red head. "So, what's your name?" Asked the brunette. "My name is kodi. This is my friend Juria." "Juria huh? My name is Rigi. (Lizzie)" said the brown haired girl. "This is Kara with the red hair the green  hair is adi. "Um hi.." Said kodi. "WELL UM.... WE BETTER GET GOING NOW HEEHE. RIGHT KODI?! YEAH LETS GO NOW. HEHE CYA!" We grabbed our trays and sat a different table.
"We're you jelly?" Asked Kodi. "N-No! Why would you say that?! Hehe! Why would I be jelly?" My fave started to turn red as I ate my rice. "Uhh. Okay." Said kodi.

Sorry it's short agian :( ^-^ deal with it.

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