I woke up. It was bright and sunny. I was tired. But in sure I had some energy to use my powers. All of a sudden melody came out of no were! "Juria! juria? What's wrong with your eye?" "Oh um.. Nothing." "Anyway. Um your charms have found a hidden power of yours!" "Really what is it?!" "You can posses!!" "Really?!" "Yes. And the charms out a new power. If you wanted to transform you would have to say your name and transform toghter. Anyway, I betta go now. The girls are having a party! Bai!" "Ugh agian?" I couldn't believe I can posses people!
~3 weeks later~
I got into another fight. Agian I had no energy to perform my powers. They banged my head on the brick ground running away with some of my stuff.It was night time. It was storming. I haven't ate any thing for a while. *BOOM* the electricity went out.
Kodis P.OV
"NOOO!" I got bored of waiting for the electricity to come back. So I went to go hang with juria. I haven't seen her for 3 weeks! She wasn't in her room. I checked everywhere in our apartment but she's not here! I got worried I looked in her room agian. I saw her window opened. "Oh no..." I said to myself.Jurias P.O.V
I don't rerembere anything ever since my head got slammed on bricks. I don't even remember what I was doing. But I knew I had walked far far away from home. I fell on the ground. I was to tired to move. I Laid on the cold wet ground.
Kodis P.O.V
I have a really good nose. So I can smell juria to find her.
I followed her scent. It's late at night and it's cold I hope she's okay. I wonder why she left. The all of a sudden I saw an image of me punching her. But why??
"There she is!" I ran to her. "Juria!! Juria are you okay?!" I asked "heheh." Juria stares laughing. "HEHEHEH, who are you?" She asked me. "Ugh great. Let's go home." It tied to pick her up. "Don't touch me sh¡t bag!" She yelled at me. "Juria what's wrong with y-... Juria. You eye! What happened?" "Some fag punched me. Hehehe." I was shocked. Was that me? Juria walked away from me. She tripped. I catches her in time. "Hey sir? Do you know we're kodi is? ... Um... Who am I taklking about? Who the hell is Kodi?" She asked me. "Uh..."