Aizakku went home. Me and Kodi then walked home. He still had his shirt off. I tried not to stare. "Ugh. I'm hot..arnt you?" Asked Kodi putting his hands on his head. "No.."
It was Sunday. It was raining. Okay hold up, hold up...
First it was all hot and humid and now it's raining? Yo, the weather here is crazy!
"I'm going for a walk." "I'll go with you." I said. I liked walking in the rain for some reason.
There was silence. Until me and Kodi started pushing each other and goofing around. Me and Kodi were sitting on a bench. It was still raining. It stared to rain harder. Then a car came driving at full speed and a big splash of waiter hit me and kodi. Kodi started laughing but I was pissed. "It's not funny!" I yelled at him. He was still laughing." "Why are you laughing?" Asked a strange voice. It was Aizakku. "Oh. Hi Aizakku!" Said Kodi. "Hi.." I said. Aizakku was holding an umbrella. He was standing behind us. He put the umbrella over our heads. "How'd you get soaked wet?" He asked. "Uuhh. Well tell you later.." Said Kodi.We were finally home. I changed into warm pajamas. I jumped onto my bed. "Welcome home juria!!" Said a squeaky exited voice. "Charms?" I thought to myself. I turned around I saw the black cat. His name was Botan. One of his eyes were blue the other was brown. I thought his eyes were Green before we cared for him. His eyes were the same colors as mine and Kodis. "Wha?! Who's there? Is it you melody? My charms?!" "No silly! It's me! Botan! Your cat!" "Kodi came barging into the room. "I HEARD ANOTHER VOICE IN HERE!!" "Hi kodi!" Said the cat. "AAAAHHH!" Kodi was scared he hid behind me. "No need to be scared! I'm just a normal cat!" Said Botan. He smiled. "Normal?" I said. "I'm happy you both cared for me! And we all have cat ears!" Botan was exited."uuh..." I said. "AWESOME! U HAVE THE SAME EYE COLORS AS US!!" Yelled kodi with excitement. "Oh yes! Well you see..I'm not no normal a magical cat! I belong to you, so I must have your eye color, which means I belong to you...hehe." " just said you were a normal cat.." I said. "Oh. Did I? Sorry! Hehe." Kodi ran up to the cat, picked it up and squeezed it's cheeks. "YOUR SO CUTE!!!!" "Yes, yes, I know I am."