Chapter 5

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"What's up with your eye?" Michael asked. Sitting on my bed

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to avoid the fact that i still have a prominent black eye from my "mom".

"You know what Im talking about, Rose." he blankly stated. I then joined him on my bed.

"I...fell?" I said but it came out as more of a question.

"You fell?" he said 'fell' in the same tone of voice I did.

"Yup" i said popping the 'p'.

"So what actually happened?" he said seriously.

"I just told you I ran into a door." I explained

"No you said you fell" He stated. Oh shit

"Yup I fell into the door." He said confidently. Ugh I hate lying I just met him and out first real conversation is lies.

"Why wont you tell me?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Because if I told you, you would tell mom, and mom would tell the police, and I don't want them to get involved." I explained. That was true I hate police everytime I see them it reminds me of my "dad" who was also a police man.

"I promise not to tell." he told me. I mean I know I just met the guy but he is my brother and if I want to have a good relationship with him I should trust him right?

"My "mom" used to hit me because i was never good enough for her."

Michael POV-

I froze I couldn't comprehend the thought of someone wanting to hit her she seemed so nice. I looked up at her and she had tears in her eyes. I brought her into a hug.

"No one will  hurt you anymore. I promise." She just nodded and stayed in my arms. I laid us down and we ended up falling asleep there.


"Awww they look so cute" click

"#siblinggoals" click

"Guys shut up you're gonna wake them."

"Isn't that why we are here?"

I was now fully awake to see Calum, Ashton, Luke and Bryana. (Im sorry im a hardcore Brashton shipper) Rose was also starting to wake up.

"Look at that you woke them up." Bryana stated. Rose just kinda looked at everyone then at me and gave me a look that said 'who the hell are these people'

"Rose meet my bandmates Ashton, Luke, and calum," I said pointing to each of them. "And that is Bryana, Ashton's girlfriend."

~Rose POV~

Oh yeah I looked them up didn't I. I just didn't expect them to be so tall. I then realized I hadn't said anything and I was just staring.

"Rose" I stated with a small wave. I then heard a 'Hi' and a 'Hey' at the same time. Then i saw Calum and Luke just Glare at each other.

"It's 'Hey' Lucas." Calum said

"It's 'Hi' Calum and that's not my name (thats not my name *clap clap)" Luke stated.

We all decided to go down stairs and I sat on the couch between Bryana and Michael while Luke and Calum were arguing. Once they stopped we decided to watch a movie. I picked out Deadpool and we sat in silence except for when we laughed.

A/N Hey! i actually updated! Hopefully I will do more frequent updates!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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