Panama I

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Before entering Panama prison with Sam, Nate and Rafe, I needed a little upgrade on my look. "C'mon sweetheart you gotta do it or else they won't buy it." My grandfather told me, blowing out smoke from his mouth.

"God damn it, fine okay? Fine." I huffed and roll my eyes. "That's my girl." Sam said lending me the scissors. "Well since my hair reaches my lower back, Nate help me to snip it off."

"My pleasure." Nate said following me to the bathroom. "You're enjoying this aren't you?"

"Well, you did put ketchup and garlic in my shampoo a few years back soo..." Nate trailed off as we entered the bathroom, looking directly at the mirror.

"I knew that would have come and bite me on the ass one day." Nate chuckled on my comment. "Alright, you ready?" He asked before snipping my hair.

"Go for it, Nate The Great." I chuckled at remembering the nickname, looking at Nate from the side. "You really wanna say that when I'm snipping off your hair?"

After Nate and myself were done snipping off my hair to the correct length, I took a long look at the mirror. My hair was almost like Sam's but shorter. "I almost look like your brother." I said almost in a whisper, Nate laughed loudly and patted my shoulder.

"C'mon let's go." As we left the bathroom, Rafe, Sam and my dear old grandpa took a good look at me. "Still beautiful as always." Sam inhaled the smoke for his cigarette, eyeing me closely.

"Here, have this to you know, cover your chest so you blend in with the rest." Rafe handed me the wrap, glancing at my chest. I rolled my eyes and I entered the bathroom once more removing my shirt and getting to the process.


The weather was killing me, the sun was right above our heads making everyone sweat like pigs. All the men around me were like animals, really, I'd prefer to be back in my cell for two weeks again.

For two weeks, I didn't hear of Nate, Sam nor Rafe. I walked around trying to look for my boys, only to find Sam dealing around for some cigarettes and Nate of course, in a fist fight.

"Jesus Nate.." I whispered to myself. A hand was placed on my shoulder giving me a small heart attack. "Relax, its me." Rafe said from behind me.

"You almost gave me a heart attack..." I let go of the breath I was holding while Rafe chuckled. "You okay?" He asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"The whole fighting thing you went through. You still have a black eye, well, yellow-ish."

"It was just a punch, I'm alright." From a distance, Sam was staring at both Rafe and I, honestly, he looked a little mad.

"So uh, you and Sam? Are you guys together?" I laughed at his question. "No, I don't think so." Vargas and his men caught my attention as they grabbed Nate, to me, he was also like my little brother.

"Sorry, Rafe I'll have to excuse myself." I walked over to Sam as he was done with his little cigarette campaign.

I started to worry over Nate, I started praying he was okay. Sam needs to know this, fuck. Sam noticed me walking towards him, but I knew he was focused on my eye.

"Hey sweetheart you alright?" He asked, about to touch my cheek but I gently pushed his hand away. "I'm fine. Sam, they all can see what we're doing, no need to be touchy." I warned him slightly.

"So? Who cares, they don't understand what we're saying and we'll be outta here soon." He exhaled, the smoke leaving his mouth.

The Unknown - Sam DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now