Chim- Don't Speak Chapter 1-2

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Chapter 1 Cheryl's POV

    It's been exactly 3 weeks, exactly 21 days, exactly 504 hours but no matter how you look at it, its been exactly too long or is it not long enough since...

3 weeks ago

    8:00 I wait eagerly for her to arrive. We are to have a night and new first date. It'll be my first date with her as single woman. She still has Justin but its going nowhere and she assures me it will be over soon. I pace nervously, smoothing the invisible wrinkles of the dress i bought just for her, as it nears 8:30. Kimberley is never late I begin to worry. To be honest I know I said 8 but its Kim i expected her around 7:45.

    I hear a noise outside, looking out the window I spot her sitting in her car. As I approach the front door my phone beeps indicating a text.

    <<< Hey babe, sorry running late. Be there in a few>>>

   Completely confused i text back

    <<< can't wait love you>>>

    Then return to my previous position at the window watching her. She looks lost in thought one minute and in the next like she trying to compose herself. This can't be good. After what seems like an eternity, in reality 5 minutes, she emerges from the car but doesn't approach the house. She just leans against the car fixing a fake smile upon her face. Wait a fake smile for me. I'm more confused by this than the text earlier.

    I look down and shake my head to get rid of the negative thoughts creeping in. I look at her again and its now that I realise she is simply dressed in a vest top and jeans. "oh no not good' I say to myself. After a few minutes of staring of concentrating, I can't tell, she begins to approach the house. I notice the closer she gets to the door the harder it is for her to smile until it drops of completely. Now I'm scared. I guess I'm too busy thinking of the many bad scenarios to hear the knocks at the door. It isn't until my phone beeps that I'm snapped out of my daze.

  <<< so are you going to let me in anytime soon>>>

I hastily make my way over to the door and open it. What was once a face carrying a false smile is now a face with and unreadable expression and eyes with unshed tears. I take her to sit on the sofa with me and it is here that it all begins to unravel.

Chapter 2 Kim's POV

    I can't believe tonight is our last night off until Girls Aloud work starts again. I thought time flies when you're having fun not when you're miserable. Tonight I will see Cheryl for the first in the 3 weeks since...

3 weeks ago

    This is it. Tonight's the night. I can't leave Justin. My brain has defeated my heart.Tonight I end it with Cheryl.

8:35  I finally arrive outside of Cheryl's house but remain sat in the car. I don't feel ready yet but who can ever be ready to break someone's heart. I begin to send her a text to let her know i'm here but decide to say i'm on my way. I need a few extra minutes to compose myself before I go in. She replies back <<<can't wait love you>>>, making it even harder for me to get out of the car. 5 more minutes I sit going over all the things I could possibly say in my head. Finally, I get out but my legs don't work and i can't bring myself to approach the house just yet.

    A few more minutes then I fix a smile upon my face and begin to walk to the door. Who am I kidding, this smile is so false she'll see right through it. The door is getting close and closer. It takes too much effort to pretend so I wipe the smile off my face. Ok now or never.

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