Chim- Don't Speak Chapter 9-10

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Chapter 9 Cheryl's POV

   "Cheryl, why are we here?" Nadine asks.

   "To eat lunch" I respond, knowing she meant something else.

   "Obviously. Whats up Chez?"

   "Well um...the thing is..I need someone to talk to."

   "You have Nicola and Sarah so why me after all of this time?"

   "I honestly didn't think you would since you're always with Kimberley. Sarah and Nic are good for the cheering up but I need someone to really talk to about the serious stuff."

   "We can always talk Chez. So whats the serious business?"

   "Whats the real reason she left me? You know don't you?" The questions come out harsher than intended.

    She nods. I can see a worried expression on her face. I know she is not one to spill secrets willingly. So I decide to make it harder for her not to answer. I look her into eyes.

   "Nadine what you say to me here and now may very well decide the fate of me and Kimberley. Our happiness depends on you." Neither of those statement aren't completely true but I've got to know. I've had plenty of chances to ask Kim herself but its too hard. All of those times I watched her at the park I could have sat next to her and asked but I never could. I stayed at a disatnce. I took the cowards way and asked her new best friend.

   "Chez, please don't do this to me." Nadine pleads.

   "I've been dying inside day by day for the last seven weeks. I still don't really know the whole truth. I deserve to know the truth." My eyes well up. "Nadine please, you're my last hope. Please." I'm past the point of asking I'm begging.

   "If I tell you will you talk to her?"


   "I mean it Cheryl. You're not the only one losing themselves. Promise me you'll do it." She says sternly.

   "I promise."

    So Nadine tells me everything. I can't believe she ever doubted my love. Apparently my reluctance to be a proper couple in public brought about our downfall.

   "I didn't love her enough?" I gasp between sobs. "I love her more than anything, more than my own life. How could she ever fcuking say that."

   "Shhh, shhh." Nadine soothes as i sob onto her shoulder but also does this because we're in a cafe. " She didn't know then but she certainly knows now. It took her some time but she knows now Cheryl. I promise you , she knows."

    I regain my composure and lift my head from her shoulder. "Should I take her back?" I say more to myself than Nadine but it seems to have captured her attention anyway. " Could I be the woman who is repeatedly disappointed by the people she loves."

   "How do you mean Chez?"

   "I took Ashley back after he cheated then he did it again. What if Kimberley has more doubts and leaves me again.' I feel tears threaten my eyes. "I'm not strong enough Nadine."

   "I can't decide for you but I think you should. She's not the same as she was before, she understands it all now."

   "So thats one for yes and two for no." I say quietly to myself but she still hears.

   "Say something Chez?"

   'Um not really. Just thinking out loud." I can't bring myself to tell her Sarah and Nicola have a different opinion than her. They don't want me to risk heartbreak again. In a way I agree with the them. How many times can a heart break before it can't be put back together.

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