Well it's a long story...

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 Don't you love the words cantankerous and tickety boo? lol


“Swell, swell, swell!” I growled at myself. The whole weekend passed of you avoiding Snape and today I have his class and tutoring I am thrilled! I didn’t want to face him again. It would be too awkward and too horrible. “You ready?” asked Hermione. “Yeah, I suppose,” I sighed. “Ever since friday after you came back from your five minute detention with Snape, you’ve been so weird,” sighed Hermione. “I’m fine,” I said looking out the window. “When are you going to break up with Harry, is there something going on between you and Snape?” Asked Hermione eyes wide. “What?” I I asked becoming nervous. “Come on Lyrica you can tell me anything!” said Hermione perking up. “Uh...no,” I sighed. “What?” 

“I meant no there is nothing going on,” I exhaled annoyed. “Fine, whatever you say,” she growled and I escaped the room quickly. I walked downstairs cantankerously fearing what I was about deal with. Once in the great hall I noticed he was not present at all, I felt sick internally as I thought about what might happen in potions today. I took a sip of my pumpkin juice “Hermione, I kissed Snape!” I exclaimed out loud not noticing I even had. “Are you alright?” asked Ginny who was standing with her hand on Ron’s shoulder her eyes wide.

“What did you just say?” snapped Harry. “Oh my God!” said Ron mouth hanging open. “That can’t be true?” said Hermione looking frazzled. I looked up and I saw Snape his eyes showed he was as pissed at me.  “Harry I don’t really like you I am just pretending!” I said quickly, “damn it!” I couldn’t stop it. “Ron I am the one that painted your teddy bear pink! Hermione I think that skirt makes you look fat! Ginny the way you got your hair cut looks horrible! I think Snape is hot! I spat that all out in a seconds time. I felt Snape trying to pull me away.  “It looks like Dumbledore’s hand is bigger then his head!” I screamed aloud Dumbledore looked offended.  “Lyrica come on!” scolded Snape trying to pull me out. “Draco Malfoy’s dad looks like a girl with that long hair!” Draco suddenly stopped laughing. Crabbe and Goyle kept on laughing, “Crabbe and Goyle are such fatty’s!” I bellowed. Snape finally got me out of the door.

“I despise you for this!” he growled pulling me down the stairs as I kept telling the truth of what I thought about people non stop. Once we got down to the dungeons he hastily fed made me drink some potion that quickly made me stop. It was veritaserum.  “You exposed everything, I would love to kill you right now!” he growled and began to chase me around the room. “Professor,” I groaned out of breathe. I stopped and he dived on me and we hit the floor. “I want to kill you!” he grumbled as he held me closely in his arms. “My head hurts and no you don’t,” I moaned moving my hand to feel my throbbing head. He kissed my forehead and got up. “Here this will stop your pain.”

I sipped it making a face.  “You mustn’t sip,” he held the drink up for me as I reluctantly drank it down. “Better?” he asked putting a scouring charm on it and put it in a little place where he held clean bottles. “It would’ve been quite sexy if I hadn’t hit my head so hard,” I said not feeling very well, although I was quite tickety boo (Slang: means to be happy or content) because he kissed my forehead. “Now how about you go get some sleep before I yell at you later, come back at 8,” he half smiled. “But what about classes and I would like a little snog other wise I’m going no where,” I begged. “I will aware your teachers,” he answered but not to the snog. “Please kiss me professor,” I asked with a small grin spread across my face. “No, go away,” he said quietly. “Why, Dumbledore said it was alright!”

“Doesn’t mean it is!” he yelled, the room echoed, “I will yell at you later now go away.”

“No, I am here now why not tell me?” I exclaimed. “Alright, I feel that being in love with a child, a mere child is not alright, is that clear?” he asked looking sort of pained. “I am almost seventeen!” I groaned. “Almost isn’t good enough, what will your parents think what about your friends?” he questioned shaking his head. “They’ll have to live with it.” 

He sighed turning away from me I knew he was feeling something he didn’t want me to see. “Child, things are never easy and neither is love when it is with the wrong person and I know you will move on so easily from me if we ever do attempt...us.”

“So thats what you think of me?” I became cantankerous. “You’re a child I know what children act like!” his voice rose. “I am not a child!” I said getting flustered by the way he acts. He had small tears in his eyes. “But I am different!” I wailed and ran to hug him, his strong arms wrapped around me tightly. “You say you are.”

“But I am,” I began to whine like a baby but he gave me the same ‘you aren’t any different’ look, “Fine, if you don’t want me then don’t have me!”

I stormed out of the room hurt and now I have my friends to face. My body ached as I walked up the stairs as soon I got into Gryffindor house Hermione and everyone else was standing there waiting for me. By their looks on their faces they weren’t happy. I fell on the floor clasped by my tears no longer feeling tickety boo, of course. “I’m sorry,” I sobbed. “Those things never would have been said if I weren’t under the veritaserum.” Harry came forward. “I put it in your drink because I knew something wasn’t right,” said Harry looking guilty, “I didn’t mean to hurt your, relationship with Snape.”

“It’s not a relationship, it never was I suppose,” I exhaled. “Still you guys I didn’t mean to make you feel bad I thought them in my head but I really, really, really didn’t want to say them out loud. “We know Lyrica it’s alright,” said Hermione bringing me to my room and patting my back. “Now tell me everything please,” she said closing the door. “Well it’s a long story...” I began.

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